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Fans Think Saw XI Is Canceled – Here’s Why

Fans Think Saw XI Is Canceled – Here’s Why

Rumors that Saw XI, set to liberate on September 26, 2025, might get aborted have been doing the rounds. The upcoming sequel was proclaimd in tardy December, after Saw X’s commercial success and selectimistic critical reception. But after the disassigning modernize from writing partners Marcus Dunstan and Patrick Melton, the sequel’s future remains uncertain.

So, is the well-understandn franchise’s next inshighment aborted? Here are the details.

Has Lionsgate aborted Saw XI and aprohibitdoned its liberate date?

It remains unevident whether Lionsgate has aborted Saw XI. According to alerts, the movie seems to have been shighed amid inner disputes at higher levels. Writers Patrick Melton and Marcus Dunstan recently spoke to The Hollywood Reporter to supply modernizes on the sequel’s growment. They uncovered that “zero better” has been made ever since they were onboarded back in Spring 2024 and surrfinisherted the initial write.

Melton claimed that they haven’t got any response from the studios since May. Reflecting on inner disconsentment at Lionsgate, he make cleard, “It’s shighed at a regulaterial level. It has noskinnyg to do with the creative or anyskinnyg else. There’s higher-level skinnygs at carry out.” Since the tardyst modernize, fans have began wondering Saw XI will happen this year.

In insertition, a source telderly Bloody Disgusting, “It’s tohighy dead. It’s 100% over. Almost a year now.” The source uncovered that skinnygs went downhill in January 2024, when originaters commenceed having disconsentments over production.

The source also inserted that the production faced setbacks when one originater tried to “plow forward” with the movie, and the other caparticipated hindrance. Lionsgate wasn’t able to rerepair the disconsentment, which led to stagnancy in production.

Previously, after announcing the tardyst inshighment, Lionsgate uncovered that Kevin Greutert would be straightforwarding it. Initiassociate, the movie was supposed to liberate in September 2024 but was pushed to 2025.

However, given the tardyst production modernizes, uncertainty looms over its upcoming liberate date. While the rumors claim that the movie is no lengthyer happening, Lionsgate hasn’t validateed the novels.

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