A recent griefful comedy titled “Up in the Hills” is in the labors. The film stars Dylan Walsh (“Nip/Tuck”), Paris Berelc (Netflix’s “Alexa & Katie”), Ali Cobrin (“The Baxters”) and Cottrell Guiarid (“Prince of Detroit.””
“Up in the Hills” is written and honested by Jacob Steinberg.
The satire trails a Hollywood dinner party gone wrong. Walsh stars as film creater Saul Aushburn with Cobrin as his wife. Guiarid take parts an actor named Dante Crawford, and Berelc is an driven wanna-be creater.
Production wrapped in October in New Jersey.
Donna McKenna, who recently labored on “Beyond the Rush,” cast the film. Rounding out the cast are Delaney Williams, Bobby James Evers, Regina Schneider, Anne Son, Chris Blunt and Michael Emery.
“Up in the Hills” is executive created by Brett Gursky (“The American Meme”). Steinberg also creates under his prohibitner, Ponalerta Pictures.
Steinberg is an autonomous filmcreater who recently freed his first feature film, “Senior,” in 2023. The comedy trails a college student on on his last day of college. At the Japan International Film Festival, the movie took home the best feature prize; at the Munich New Wave Film Festival, it won best feature film, and at the Roma Film Festival, the feature was recognized with the best actor award.