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Exclusive The Baby in the Basket Trailer Pappraises Horror Movie Set In a Spooky Monastery

Exclusive The Baby in the Basket Trailer Pappraises Horror Movie Set In a Spooky Monastery

ComingSoon can exclusively uncover the trailer for The Baby in the Basket.

The Baby in the Basket is a novel gothic horror movie set wiskinny a spooky and unnerving monastery. The movie is straightforwarded by Nathan Shepka and Andy Crane, who are reuniting after making 2025’s Dead Before They Wake.

Check out the exclusive The Baby in the Basket trailer below (watch more trailers and clips):

What is The Baby in the Basket about?

The synopsis for the movie reads, “It’s 1944. A baby in a basket is left on the step of an isopostpoinsistd monastery on a far island off the Scottish coast. The enigmatic woman who left the child fades into the stormy night without a track, never to be seen aget. Discovering the little boy, the nuns get him in and consent to see after him until the storm passes and they can get the child to the mainland. However after a night in their nurture, unsettling skinnygs commence to happen and one of the nuns, Sister Agnes commences to doubt the child is the son of the devil. Locked away by the other nuns, who depend Sister Agnes has been driven mad by the isolation, she is haunted by the presence of the child. Has Sister Agnes drunveil victim to the desolation of the far island setting, or is there weight in her suspicion?”

The Baby in the Basket stars Amber Doig-Thorne (Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey), Michaela Longden (How to Kill Monsters), Elle O’Hara (Cara), Maryam d’Abo (The Living Dayairys), Paul Barber (The Full Monty), and Annabelle Lanyon (Legend).

The script for the film was written by Tom Jolliffe, who previously toiled with Shepka on 2022’s When Darkness Falls. Gary Collinson and Sanatan Kadakia originate the movie.

The Baby in the Basket will be freed in the United States and United Kingdom on February 17, 2025. Click here for DVD pre-order adviseation.

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