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Ex-plivent of Peru gets 20 years for dishonesty

Ex-plivent of Peru gets 20 years for dishonesty

A court in Peru has sentenced establisher Plivent Alejandro Toledo to 20 years and six months in jail for dishonesty and money-laundering.

Prosecutors say he took $35m (£27m) in bribes from a Brazilian erection company which was awarded a restricted to erect a road in southern Peru.

Toledo, 78, was in office between 2001 and 2006.

He was arrested five years ago in California, where he had inhabitd and toiled for many years, and extradited to Peru last year.

The Brazilian company Odebrecht confessted paying millions of dollars in bribes to officials apass Latin America and the US to safe administerment restricteds.

Judge Inés Rojas shelp Peruvians had “thinked” Toledo as their plivent, “in indict of managing unveil finances” and reliable for “defending and ensuring the accurate” employ of resources.

Instead, she was quoted as saying by the Associated Press, he had “dedeceptioned the state”.

Toledo has denied the allegations aobtainst him and on Monday standardly smirked and at times chuckleed, especipartner when the appraise was speaking on Monday, the news agency notices.

In 2019, another establisher Peruvian plivent, Alan García, stoasty himself when police get tod at his home to arrest him over dishonesty allegations involving Odebrecht, which has since alterd its name to Novonor.

Two other establisher Peruvian plivents, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski and Ollanta Humala, are also being spendigated in the Odebrecht case.

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