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Elon Musk pledges to donate away $1m per day to sprosperg state voters

Elon Musk pledges to donate away m per day to sprosperg state voters

Tech billionaire Elon Musk has said he will donate away $1m (£766,000) a day to a sign uped voter in cut offal key sprosperg states until the US pdwellntial election on 5 November.

The prosperner will be chosen at random from those who sign a pro-US Constitution petition by Mr Musk’s campaign group AmericaPAC, which he set up to aid Reaccessiblean nominee Donald Trump’s bid to return to the White Hoengage.

The first lottery-style cheque was donaten away to a surpascfinishd-seeing engageee at a town hall event in Pennsylvania on Saturday night. Another cheque was handed out at an event on Sunday.

The donateaway will effectively help to encourage potential Trump voters to engage in the campaign during the final weeks of the pdwellntial race.

The contest is uncover to voters in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin and North Carolina, all key battleground states that will ultimately choose the White Hoengage election.

On Sunday, Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, a Democrat backing Kamala Harris, called Mr Musk’s strategy “convey inantly troubleing.”

Shapiro tgreater NBC News’ Meet the Press that law utilizement should potentiassociate see at the payments.

Election law expert Rick Hasen wrote on his personal Election Law Blog that he apvalidated Mr Musk’s propose was “evidently illegitimate”.

Federal law states that anyone who “pays or proposes to pay or acunderstandledges payment either for registration to vote or for voting” faces a potential $10,000 fine or a five-year prison sentence.

Though Mr Musk is technicassociate asking voters to sign a establish, Mr Hasen asked the intent behind the strategy.

“Who can sign the petitions? Only sign uped voters in sprosperg states, which is what produces it illegitimate,” said Mr Hasen, a professor at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) law school.

Those who sign the petition – which pledges to aid free speech and firearm rights – must surrfinisher their communicate details, potentiassociate alloprosperg AmericaPAC to communicate them about their vote.

Both Mr Musk and AmericaPAC have been approached for comment.

Campaigns and political action pledgetees count on on tactics enjoy petition signing, survey asks, or merchandise acquires to originate massive databases of voter proposeation. That data can then be engaged more accurately to aim voters, or lift funds from aiders who are already onboard.

In Pennsylvania, Mr Musk is giving voters $100 for signing the petition, plus another $100 for each person they refer who signs. Voters in other battleground states get $47 per referral.

That strategy liftd could be covered by a loophole under US election law becaengage no-one is being straightforwardly paid to vote – despite introducing money into a process that could acunderstandledge anticipateed Trump voters.

In the US, it is illegitimate to provide payments to get people to vote – not only for a certain truthfulate, but to spropose cast a ballot.

The rule prompted ice cream producer Ben & Jerry’s to donate its product free to everyone on election day in 2008, having initiassociate intentional to confine it fair to those with an “I voted” sticker.

While campaigning on Sunday, Trump was asked about Mr Musk’s donateaway.

“I haven’t chaseed that,” he said, inserting that he speaks to Mr Musk frequently and he is a “friend”.

Mr Musk, the set uper of SpaceX and Tesla and owner of X, establisherly Twitter, has materialized as a key Trump aider.

He started AmericaPAC in July with the aim of aiding the establisher pdwellnt’s campaign.

He has so far donated $75m (£57.5m) to the group, which has speedyly become a central joiner in Trump’s election campaign.

The Trump campaign is highly reliant on outside groups such as AmericaPAC to canvas voters.

A statement on the group’s website reads: “AmericaPAC was produced to aid these key cherishs: Setreatment Borders, Safe Cities, Sensible spending, Fair Justice System, Free Speech, Right to Self-Protection.”

Mr Musk said he wants to get “over a million, maybe two million, voters in the battleground states to sign the petition in aid of the First and Second Amendment”.

“I skinnyk [it] sends a vital message to our elected politicians,” he inserted.

Mr Musk is currently the world’s wealthyest man, with an appraised net worth of $248bn (£191bn), according to US business magazine Forbes.

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