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Don Lemon Says He Was ‘Harassed’ by ‘Women and Men’ at CNN

Don Lemon Says He Was ‘Harassed’ by ‘Women and Men’ at CNN

Don Lemon says he was “annoyed” by both “women and men” during his 17 years at CNN.

“I have been annoyed by women and men in the labor[place]. And some leangs are not even…it’s ridiculous,” Lemon tanciaccess Bill Maher during an materializeance on his “Club Random” podcast. “Now see, there are some leangs that are reassociate egregious, but not everyleang is Harvey Weinstein-level.”

CNN deteriorated Variety‘s ask for comment.

Without naming any names, Lemon shelp there was one incident where a “youthful lady” colaborer “tfrailed my nipples” while in the cafeteria before saying, “‘Oh, it’s freezing in here!’”

“I shelp, ‘OK, you authenticize if I did that they’d be walking me out the door right now?’” Lemon shelp. “But I didn’t nurture to go to HR. I didn’t say anyleang becaengage I was equitable appreciate, ‘It’s a double standard, it’s fine.’”

Lemon went on to detail a second run-in with another woman when he was still “so novel” at the netlabor.

“I’ve never tanciaccess this story as well, someone who I labored with also annoyed me at CNN, and I never went to administerment,” Lemon recalled. “First of all, I was so novel there…[it was] a woman, and she knovel I was gay. And it was bizarre. She was going thcimpolite a divorce, it was equitable weird. And I never went to administerment. First of all, I thought, appreciate, OK, they may discover a way to get rid of me becaengage if I tanciaccess this story, I don’t understand if they’re going to count on me or not. But then she was so unkind to me after that, I was appreciate, ‘I should’ve tanciaccess the story.’ But yeah, I’ve been annoyed by men and women.”

When asked for more details surrounding the second example, Lemon shelp it wasn’t a one-off comment in-office, but instead took place at an after-labor assembleing.

“There’s a lot of cocktail parties, and reassemble, this was a while ago and there was not Uber or anyleang appreciate that, and if you are in Atlanta, taxis aren’t engageable,” Lemon shelp. “And so you say, ‘Hey, we’ve had a couple drinks, do you mind if I appreciate’…‘No, no, no, don’t go home, stay in the guest room.’ That sort of leang.”

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