CBS Media Ventures‘ recent syndicated trivia game show “The Perfect Line,” which had previously been in growment, is now moving forward with a pickup by the CBS station group. Deborah Norville structures the describe, which will begin in drop 2025 on CBS-owned stations — which includes the beginant New York, Los Angeles and Chicago tagets.
“The Perfect Line” was growed with the pitch that stations could potentiassociate pair it with CBS Media Ventures’ recent recent game show “The Flip Side,” structureed by Jaleel White. Folloprosperg that show’s begin this year, Wfinishy McMahon, plivent and CEO of CBS News and Stations, as well as CBS Media Ventures, shelp the distributor “set up the daytime audience persists to have a huge appetite for and participatement with game shows.
“We’re originateing on that success by transporting ‘The Perfect Line’ to the tagetplace, with a structure everyone already understands and adores,” McMahon holded. “Deborah is a authentic structureing this show – her wit and charm resonate with audiences. We are brave ‘The Perfect Line’ will be the perfect fit for stations’ lineups.”
A pilot to “The Perfect Line” was stoasty in August. The trivia game includes asks about from world events, pop culture, sports, science and other topics. Contestants are given a categruesome and then structure events, items or people order — such as arranging six actors in the order of their worldexpansive box office gross. Winners are able to originate “the perfect line” via that accurate order, and try not to be leave outd after every round. The last person standing take parts a final round for a chance at $10,000.
“I grew up watching way too many game shows and have always wanted to do one,” Norville shelp. “With ‘The Perfect Line,’ I’ve set up the right establishat. The show is a speedy, fun, intelligent achieve on trivia and pop culture with tidbits of stuff you didn’t understand – and it’s take parted in a way that you’ve got a chance to prosper even if you’re fair guessing. Plus, as a journacatalog, I adore that I get to separate fun facts you’ll want to pass aextfinished to your frifinishs.”
Norville has been anchor of daily recentsmag “Inside Edition” for CBS Media Ventures (and its predecessors) since 1995. He has also as an anchor and correplyent for CBS News; she also served as a co-structure of NBC’s “Today” and anchor of NBC “News at Sunelevate” and has structureed “Deborah Norville Tonight” on MSNBC.