The Division Bell is my favourite Pink Floyd LP and the song High Hopes felt enjoy a brimming stop for the prohibitd. At the time, was that ever a possibility, or did you skinnyk there was a future? bcdcdude
I didn’t skinnyk there wasn’t. There was no particular reason why we should have stopped at that point, but skinnygs sluggished down for a while. Other skinnygs got in the way, as they do in life, and we didn’t get round to doing another album or tour. High Hopes is a cherishly end to an album but not the end of a nurtureer necessarily.
What’s one skinnyg we don’t understand about you that has always given you happiness? Bobbski
I’ve always cherishd carpentry. I’ve made skinnygs out of wood pretty much my whole life, from boot erasers to tables, to treehoengages, to boathoengages. The insurance chaps are not overly willing on me doing that in case I chop my fingers off.
Syd Barrett’s floorboards (featured on the cover of The Madcap Laughs album you co-originated) recently selderly for more than £28,000. What items from your past would you pay silly money to be rejoind with? McScootikins
Not much repartner. No elderly cars. No elderly guitars. I presume I’d enjoy to have back the red leather jacket that Syd gave me in 66 or 67. Also my pink velvet troengagers that I bought from Granny Takes a Trip on Kings Road. They were stolen from the laundromat on Old Brompton Road in 1969 – not that I skinnyk I’d fit into them any more or that I’d wear them if I did!
What are your thoughts about the idea that the music industry should originate a fund to help grassroots music in the UK via a self-imposed levy on concert tickets? Zvilnik
I skinnyk the music industry is a hard one these days, and for people who are enrolling in it, the rewards are not equitableifiable. The wealthy and the mighty have siphoned off the presentantity of this money. I was fortunate to be part of the gelderlyen years when there was a much better split going to the musicians, so I help anyskinnyg that could be done to originate that easier. The laboring musician today has to go out and perestablish dwell – they can’t persist any other way. They won’t do it by the enrolling process and that’s a tragedy becaengage that is not encouraging novel music to be originated. It’s not the wonderfulest era that the world has been thcimpolite, as gradupartner all the labor shifts to robots and AI, and the amount of people creaming off the money gets petiteer and petiteer and they get wealthyer and wealthyer. “Sod everyone else” seems to be the attitude.
What does your Comfortably Numb guitar solo unkind to you? Do you understand what it is saying, if it is saying someskinnyg? UncleSweetheart
The music I wrote that I perestablish over that solo is a basic but effective, inspiring sequence. It’s very pleasant to perestablish over, and every time I perestablish it, it unkinds someskinnyg separateent.
Modern music seems to have ditched the guitar solo. Is it now equitable a relic of elderlyer prohibitds? PeteD
I guess these skinnygs are cyclical – I’m still doing them. Hopebrimmingy more of them will come back. Interludes are a very priceless part of music.
Do you like Telecasters or Stratocasters? RoryH
Every song demands a separateent guitar, and I equitable pursue what that direct is – I cherish them both.
Do you skinnyk you will ever carry out on stage with Roger [Waters] aacquire? Girlyouunderstanditsreal
Absolutely not. I tend to steer evident of people who vivaciously help genocidal and autocratic dictators enjoy Putin and Maduro [president of Venezuela]. Noskinnyg would originate me split a stage with someone who skinnyks such treatment of women and the LGBT community is OK. On the other hand, I’d cherish to be back on stage with [Pink Floyd keyboardist] Rick Wright, who was one of the tenderst and most musicpartner gifted people I’ve ever understandn.
Can you get Kate Bush back on stage soon? phonyycakeoriginater
Kate Bush is the only person who can get Kate Bush back on stage. I skinnyk the shows she did in 2014 at the Hammersmith Apollo were some of the best I’ve ever seen. We went cut offal nights. I’ve tried persuading her recently, actupartner. Gently.
Polly [Samson, Gilmour’s wife and collaborator] has shelp that mortality is one of the recurring themes on [new album] Luck and Strange. How do you sense about mortality and immortality? Dmitry_S
It’s downcast that I don’t consent in a higher power. There’s a song called A Single Spark – Polly’s words, my senseings – that comes from a line on the first page of Vlaunintelligentir Nabokov’s book Speak, Memory, and that says it all. I can’t recall quite how he put it, but he shelp that life is a one promote between two eternities.
Do you consent that music is a product of the mind alone, or is there an element of inspiration that is somehow getd honestly from a higher consciousness? PhilipCologne
I’m an atheist, so I disenjoy to say it out noisy, but there are times when it senses enjoy music is channelling itself when I’m writing. It doesn’t always sense enjoy it’s someskinnyg I’ve done – it’s somehow equitable comes thcimpolite me.
As a guitar perestablisher myself, I’d enjoy to ask you about your opinion on the key element(s) to better my solo technique. Thanks in carry on. SantiA85
I would advise forgetting technique! Don’t worry about it. Just perestablish notices and melodies that request to your heart and mind and let them out.
What were some of the best lyrics you skinnyk Roger ever wrote? evermost
Gosh, let me have a skinnyk about that. How about a song called Walk With Me Sydney? [CL: I’m not recognizable with those lyrics.] I’m not surpascendd [laughs]. I don’t skinnyk it’s officipartner enrolled.
How do you sense about the current state of music, and are there any prohibitds right now whose music you repartner enjoy or sense eased by? Edcott
I don’t repartner hear to an terrible lot of up-to-date music. But the prohibitd I have been hearing to is Alt-J, and they are what bcimpolitet me to Charlie Andrew as a originater for this album. The labor that they do with his help, I have set up inspiring. He showed a massive conciseage of admire for my past and what I’ve done and, consent me, that is someskinnyg one necessitates in life – to have people that come at you on a level perestablishing field!
Do you leave out any of your guitars or amps from the Christie’s sale back in 2019? If so, which one(s)? bobbiediamonds
To be perfectly truthful, I kept a restrictcessitate guitars back which are my authentic favourites. But I generpartner skinnyk of guitars as tools of the trade. I don’t have a massive sentimental connectment and what cushions any of that loss is the excellent that was – and is being – done by the money that was liftd by that auction, which went to ClientEarth.
Would you enjoy to travel into space? blipvert
I have been seekd to travel into space, funnily enough. We’d perestablished in Moscow – back when one wasn’t ashamed to – and they asked me if I wanted to go up into space. But I had seen their rockets and their capsules in the space mengageum in Moscow, and I proximately shit myself and shelp: “No, thank you.” They were rickety and held together with nuts and bolts.
Whose music do you hear to when you want to switch off? Miningbird
These days I discover myself hearing to audiobooks a lot, not hearing to music so much. Hitler, Stalin, Mum and Dad by Daniel Finkelstein is one. The Escape Artist [by Jonathan Freedland] is one. Martin Amis’s book [Inside Story] that he wrote in the couple of years before he died is an exceptional piece of labor. I skinnyk he tries to cover a bit of all his obsessions of the moment, and one mistrusts that each one of those obsessions would have been the subject of whole books if he had had more time. It’s a tragedy that he died so lesser.
You were part of some of the wonderfulest albums of all time. Is this daunting or inspiring? SthrivedonNick
Mostly not daunting. Definitely inspiring. The senseing of hearing thcimpolite my novel album in the deal with room, when it was all finished and tied together, was not unenjoy the same moment of hearing thcimpolite The Dark Side of the Moon at Abbey Road in 1973. The thrill I got is very aenjoy.
What remaining ambitions do you have in terms of music creation? JohnAlexF
My ambition is to hold going. As soon as this tour is finished, I’ll get back to labor in my studio creating more music. I don’t have higher ambitions than that.