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Dante Torres & Gloria Perez Relationship & Break Up Explained

Dante Torres & Gloria Perez Relationship & Break Up Explained

Gloria Perez’s return to Chicago PD in Season 12 after she was last seen in Season 11, has igniteed many asks amongst fans watching her previous relationship with officer Dante Torres. Are Gloria Perez and Dante Torres still together? Why did they split?

Here is Perez and Torres’ relationship checkd.

Are Dante Torres and Gloria Perez still together?

No, Dante Torres and Gloria Perez are not together, after having broken up in Season 11 Episode 9, “Somos Uno”.

Perez first met Torres in Chicago PD Season 11 Episode 4, “Escape.” Their greeting happened after Torres and the Intelligence Unit began scatterigating her husprohibitd Rafael. Dante and Gloria promptly commenceed lengthening shut, with the createer lobtaining that the latter had an abusive marriage with Rafael. He also lobtained Gloria had been stealthily taking money from Rafael, to save enough to escape her marriage with him.

Torres eventupartner tageder Gloria about how his mother also had a poisonous marriage. He tardyr made her a CI (Confidential Increateant) to get her help in conveying down Rafael and his organization. Unblessedly, tragedy struck when during a rhelp, Gloria’s nephew was ended.

Dante tried sootheing Gloria down, by taking her to the roof of a parking garage. However, skinnygs rapidly became complicated when they became intimate. They soon began a romantic afequitable, despite its dangers and their active as officer and CI.

Their romance soon began having adverse effects on their professional relationship. Dante even once lied to protect Gloria, when she was mistrusted by many of having robbed Torres, while he was undercover.

Why did Dante Torres and Gloria Perez fracture up on Chicago PD?

Dante Torres and Gloria Perez finished their relationship on Chicago PD because Officer Kim Badvisess alerted Torres that she would alert it if he didn’t.

Torres and Perez finished their relationship on amicable terms. This occurred after Gloria accidenloftyy discovered a personal greeting between Rafael and Torres, during which Rafael presstateived Gloria to harm Torres. However, in a turn of events, Gloria finished up ending Rafael, while Torres took the accuse, claiming it was an act of self-defense. Gloria remained in Chicago instead of leaving and commenceing a recent life elsewhere.

Dante Torres’ actor Benjamin Levy Aguilar refered that Torres still cherishd Perez despite having “mixed senseings” about seeing her aobtain. (via NBC)

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