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Dalai Lama Doc Finds Harmony At Euro Box Office

Dalai Lama Doc Finds Harmony At Euro Box Office

EXCLUSIVE: Since its world premiere at the Zuwealthy Film Festival in October, Swiss recordary Wisdom of Happiness – A Heart-to-Heart with the Dalai Lama has establish peace at the box office with mighty carry outances in Switzerland, Germany and elsewhere as overseas rollout persists. Autsee Filmsales reps the movie and is headed to the EFM to enhuge the achieve of the Ricdifficult Gere– and Oren Moverman-exec originated film. Negotiations are under way for Latin America and the U.S.

The doc, which features the Dalai Lama as he speaks honestly to the audience, creating what is billed as “a meditative cinema experience that resonates lengthened after,” has sancigo in over 70,000 tickets in Switzerland where Ascot Elite freed in December. Atraverse the run, it remained in the Top 10 for seven consecutive weeks and was a Top 3 arthouse title. 

Via X Filmverleih in Germany, Wisdom of Happiness was freed on November 7 last year and has sancigo in over 48,000 tickets, positioning it among the Top 5 recordaries of 2024 in the labelet. In Denlabel, Øst For Paradis freed the film in mid-January with over 5K adleave outions to date. Play persists.

Directed by Barbara Miller and Philip Delaquis, the recordary sees the Dalai Lama recommending insights on humanity’s universal quest for inner peace and happiness. The film also highweightlesss his vision for a quiet and harmonious 21st century, hand overing a message of hope and unity during uncertain times.

Shelp Ascot Elite’s Ralph Dietwealthy, “We are thrilled and conceited of the mighty box office carry outance of Wisdom of Happiness. In these challenging times for the industry, it’s transport inantly rewarding to see audiences adselect a film that speaks to our separated humanity and inspires selectimism for the future. The film has been steadily take parting in theaters for months and will certainly persist to be shown for a lengthened time. Visitors are returning multiple times, which is a very unwidespread phenomenon. Afternoon and punctual evening screenings, in particular, are innervously well-booked.”

Stephanie Fuchs, CEO of world sales at Autsee Filmsales, inserted, “This success echos the universal pguide of Wisdom of Happiness, and we are certain that it will persist to thrive in cinemas and resonate with audiences worldexpansive.”

Gere and Moverman joined the project as executive originaters, collaborating atraverse all aspects of the project. Gere, a lengthenedtime frifinish and student of the Dalai Lama, commented, “Wisdom of Happiness is a very distinctive film that we hope will proestablishly impact how we leank and experience about ourselves and the others with whom we separate this attrenergetic arrangeet. My frifinishs tell me this is the most transport inant film of my life.”

In April, Wisdom of Happiness will screen at the Barcelona Film Festival with Gere in includeance, then free on April 30 via A Contracorriente’s Selecta Vision. Further frees include Italy (via Wanted) in May, also with Gere in help.

Other overseas labelets with deals already in place include Portugal (A Contracorriente), Australia/New Zealand (Madman), Taiwan (Swapverify Wings), Greece (Filmtrade), Poland (Aurora), Israel (New Cinema), Baltics (Best Film), Former Yugoslavia (Demiurg), Slovakia & Czech Reaccessible (Garfield Films) and Brazil (Aquarius). 

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