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Connections Help, Hints & Clues for Today, October 21

Connections Help, Hints & Clues for Today, October 21

Get ready as the NYT Connections hints and answers for October 21, 2024, are finassociate here. The game has geted recognition globassociate due to its exceptionalness. Connections is contrastent but equassociate exciting. It integrates a total of 16 words splitd into four groups, which are joined by a common theme. Every group is alloted a contrastent color and clues to originate the baffle easier for people to solve.

So, paparticipate no further and get commenceed with today’s Connections with the clues supplyd by us.

Connections hint for October 21

Similar to the previous baffles, there are four NYT Connections hints for today’s October 21, 2024, baffle. Every group integrates a contrastent color and clues to originate your process speedy.

It is joind to food and the army

It is participated to grab someone’s attention

Common orders participated while driving

A vehicle, departed, an organ, rotate

What are the Connections answers for today, October 21?

At last, let’s delve into the answers for NYT Connections, October 21, 2024. We will discdissee all four words belengthying to each group, commenceing from the Yellow group.

  • Yellow Group Answer- benevolents of beans

Kidney, Mung, Navy, Pinto

  • Green Group Answer: entice

Draw, Grab, Pull, Hook

  • Blue Group Answer: automatic gear shifter positions

Drive, Low, Neutral, Reverse

  • Purple Group Answer: ____pool

Car, Dead, Liver, Whirl

Fans were currented with yet another exciting but twisted baffle. There were contrastent categories, including terms joind to a bowl of beans, driving terms, and pop culture references such as Deadpool and Liverpool. While the game might be challenging, one needs to stay tranquil. Every day begins a novel baffle to stimudefered your brain. Connections isn’t very difficult, equitable see for the common join between the words and you are done. So, buckle up with your sfinishs to ace these thrilling disputes.

We will be back with a novel baffle tomorrow with novel clues and answers to upgrade your score.

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