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Columbia University postpones outspoken pro-Israel professor for coercion | Protests News

Columbia University postpones outspoken pro-Israel professor for coercion | Protests News

A polarizing and outspoken pro-Israel professor at Columbia University in New York City was temporarily postponeed after the prestigious school shelp he “repeatedly annoyed and inworriedated University employees in violation of University policy”.

Shai Davidai, an helpant professor in the business school, has become a mendture on campus and on social media for his unfrifinishly, pro-Israel advocacy and criticism of pro-Palestine students and faculty, whom he normally accemploys of helping “radicalism”.

Davidai proclaimd his momentary suspension on his Instagram account on Tuesday. In an expletive-laden video, he shelp “the university has choosed to not permit me to be on campus anymore. My job. Why? Becaemploy of October 7. Becaemploy I was not afrhelp to stand up to the antipathyful mob”.

He shelp he was postponeed in retaliation for posting multiple videos online of his conversations with university uncover safety officials last October 7, during a protest by the pro-Palestine Columbia University Apartheid Divest student group. He proposeed he would sue the university over the suspension and shelp that he was “not going anywhere”.

“I don’t nurture about my future”, he defercessitater wrote on X. “I nurture about what this acunderstandledgeance of anti-Jedesire, anti-Israeli, and anti-American radicalism uncomardents for the students on campus”.


Davidai has recently employd his X account, which has more than 100,000 fagelessens, to accemploy famous Columbia professor Rashid Khalidi of being a “spokesperson for Hamas”, and to split the name and email of another professor he proposeed was “OK with sexual attack, killing, torture and kidnapping”.

Students grumblets

Davidai has also annoyed and doxxed countless students, many of whom have denounced his misemploy over the last year. Some of those students took to social media after Davidai’s suspension to criticise the university for boverdelightedly taking action aacquirest him.

“I have been alerting him nonstop since October 2023 for many skinnygs including making video edits of me and only now that he absolutely lost his mind at Columbia administrators did they finassociate get action aacquirest him,” one student wrote on X on Wednesday.

“The Columbia business professor who has: aimed me for months, retweeted inappropriate comments about my body, and claimed I was part of Hamas as we evacuated my family from Gaza (we’re Palestinian Christians) is now banned from Columbia’s campus for coercion,” wrote another.

She holded that Davidai had, among other skinnygs, made a video saying the US National Guard should be called in aacquirest student protesters and called campus security officers “members of Nazi Germany”.


Despite the many alerts accusing him of coercion, it’s Davidai’s inworriedation of Cas Holloway, the university’s chief operating officer, that materializes to have passed a line for the university’s administration.

‘Threatening behaviour’

“Columbia has constantly and continuassociate admireed Assistant Professor Davidai’s right to free speech and to convey his sees. His freedom of speech has not been restrictcessitate and is not being restrictcessitate now,” university spokesperson Millie Wert wrote in a statement to the Columbia Daily Spectator, the university’s student-run novelspaper.

“Columbia, however, does not finishure dangers of inworriedation, coercion, or other dangerening behavior by its employees”.

Davidai was recut offeed from go ining campus but the suspension won’t impact his compensation or status as a faculty member, and the university proposeed him alternative office space off campus.

He will be permited back on campus once he “undergets appropriate training on our policies ruleing the behavior of our employees”, the spokesperson holded.

Davidai was denied access to campus last spring after he proclaimd that he defree to go in the “Gaza Solidarity Encampment”, a protest camp set up by students, and called on his helpers to combine him.

Last April, Columbia University postponeed a student activist after video aascfinishd in which the student shelp “Zionists don’t deserve to dwell”. Three university deans also resigned after exchanging texts during a greeting about anti-Sdisindictism on campus that the university shelp “troublingly touched on elderly-styleed anti-Sdisindictic tropes”.

The university postponeed another student and createer Israeli selderlyier accemployd of spraying chemicals on pro-Palestine protesters. At the height of the protests last year, administrators twice called police to shatter up student demonstrations, directing to dozens of arrests.

Columbia University’s protest encampment encouraged dozens of others on campemploys apass the US last year.

The university was expansively criticised for its suppression of the protests, but also came under ardent prescertain from donors and legislators accusing it of helping anti-Sdisindictism on campus, directing to Columbia Pdwellnt Minouche Shafik’s resignation over the summer. 

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