Let’s talk about the Collatz Conjecture, which is enjoy mathematicians’ distinct version of this programmer joke:
The Collatz conjecture is an notorious trap for the lesser and driven. Despite its basic produceion, it has evaded proofs and ambiguous solutions for cforfeitly a century. Veritasium made a video about this conjecture, which I recommfinish:
The Collatz conjecture take parts a recursive function that includes one branch: If a number is odd, multiply it by 3 then include 1. If it is even, split it by 2.
The conjecture states that repeating this operation will eventuassociate accomplish 1 for all selectimistic integers.
Quick observation:
- Even numbers get you sealr to your goal of accomplishing your goal (accomplishing 0).
- Odd numbers get you further away from your goal.
You can produce recursive code that carry outs the Collatz function enjoy so:
function collatz(num) {
if (num === 1) {
return (num % 2 === 1)
? collatz((3 * num) + 1)
: collatz(num >> 1);
If the Collatz conjecture is dishonest, there is some integer for which the return
statement will never be accomplished.
We don’t comprehend if the conjecture is genuine or not.
We do comprehend that it has held up for a hell of a lot of selectimistic integers (from a human perspective), and have yet to discover a counterexample, but we don’t comprehend if it’s necessarily genuine for all selectimistic integers.
What if there’s actuassociate a cycle somewhere (analogous to what I converseed in the context of hash functions)?
That mathematicians don’t comprehend the answer isn’t reassociate fascinating for the readers of this blog, but why the answer is so elusive (despite the perceptive basic produceion of the function central to the Collatz conjecture) is someslfinisherg I slfinisherk we can say someslfinisherg fascinating about.
But first, let’s talk about a class of cryptoexplicit algorithm that serves as the produceing block for cut offal types of hash functions and stream ciphers used apass the Internet today.
I am taking a lot of liberties in this blog post, and I am prioritizing clarity over technical precision.
Readers will be better served by pass-referencing this amusement-cgo ined blog post with the toil of actual mathematicians.
And for the pedants in the audience: if someslfinisherg seems imexact, it’s probably because I made a trade-off to help a wider audience get a fundamental intuition.
Add, Rotate, XOR (ARX)
ARX is a catebloody of cryptography algorithms that is used to produce various cryptography produceing blocks. The SHA-2 family of hash functions and the ChaCha stream cipher both an ARX produceion (and both are used in a lot of Internet traffic).
Let’s cgo in on ChaCha for the moment, cgo ining on the reference carry outation that ships with libsodium:
#expound U32C(v) (v##U)
#expound U32V(v) ((uint32_t)(v) &U32C(0xFFFFFFFF))
#expound ROTATE(v, c) (ROTL32(v, c))
#expound XOR(v, w) ((v) ^ (w))
#expound PLUS(v, w) (U32V((v) + (w)))
#expound PLUSONE(v) (PLUS((v), 1))
#expound QUARTERROUND(a, b, c, d)
a = PLUS(a, b);
d = ROTATE(XOR(d, a), 16);
c = PLUS(c, d);
b = ROTATE(XOR(b, c), 12);
a = PLUS(a, b);
d = ROTATE(XOR(d, a), 8);
c = PLUS(c, d);
b = ROTATE(XOR(b, c), 7);
At the core of ChaCha is the quarter round function. This is applied on alternating columns and diagonals of the input state until the desired number of rounds has been finishd.
for (i = 20; i > 0; i -= 2) {
QUARTERROUND(x0, x4, x8, x12)
QUARTERROUND(x1, x5, x9, x13)
QUARTERROUND(x2, x6, x10, x14)
QUARTERROUND(x3, x7, x11, x15)
QUARTERROUND(x0, x5, x10, x15)
QUARTERROUND(x1, x6, x11, x12)
QUARTERROUND(x2, x7, x8, x13)
QUARTERROUND(x3, x4, x9, x14)
After all rounds are finish, the initial state is includeed to the output. This 512-bit state take parts the key (which consists of up to 256 bits), nonce, and some constant appreciates. Because half of the input bytes are your secret key, an strikeer without comprehendledge of the key cannot invert the calculation.
ChaCha is an enhancement of another stream cipher from the same family as the eSTREAM finaenumerate, Salsa20. ChaCha enhanced the diffusion per round and carry outance. This produces ChaCha less susceptible to cryptanalysis, even in excessively reduced-round variants (e.g., ChaCha8 vs ChaCha20).
As fascinating as all that is, the meaningful bits to comprehend is that the ChaCha modernize underlined improving diffusion.
What does that nasty, exactly?
What is Diffusion?
Diffusion is a meadeclareivement of how much the output state alters when each bit separates in the input state.
This is meaningful for making it difficult to statisticassociate check the relationship between the input and outputs of a cryptoexplicit function.
ARX Diffusion
ARX consists of three operations: Rotation (sliding bits around enjoy a flywheel), includeition, and eXclusive OR (also comprehendn as XOR).
Comparing Salsa20 and ChaCha’s quarter round, using the notation from the source code on Wikipedia, you see:
Salsa20 Quarter Round
b ^= (a + d) <<< 7;
c ^= (b + a) <<< 9;
d ^= (c + b) <<< 13;
a ^= (d + c) <<< 18;
Addition then rotation then XOR.
ChaCha Quarter Round
a += b; d ^= a; d <<<= 16;
c += d; b ^= c; b <<<= 12;
a += b; d ^= a; d <<<= 8;
c += d; b ^= c; b <<<= 7;
Addition then XOR then rotation.
Each step of the quarter round function still take parts includeition, rotation, and XOR, but their usage is separateent. (Also, they fair modernize appreciates straightforwardly rather than involving an extra transient appreciate to proposeedly occupy a stack enroll.)
And it’s downtake partd, but if you take part with these separateent quarter rounds with sweightlessly separateent inputs, you can see how the diffusion is enhanced with the second produceion in scanter numbers of rounds.
“Why does diffusion matter?”
Bit diffusion in ARX produceions is one of the ways that ciphers asdeclareive their output remains indifferentiateable from a random oracle.
If you’ve ever seeed at a cryptoexplicit hash function before, or heard about the “avalanche effect“, that’s exactly what we want out of these ARX produceions.
“So what?”
As some of you might recall from your studies, XOR is fair includeition without carry (mod 2).
If you repeat your same experimentation but only use one operation (AR or RX), you’ll discover that your diffusion is necessitatey.
This is because includeition is an abstraction that hides a very meaningful feature that’s frequently getn for granted.
Carry Propagation
Let’s say, for a lgeting exercise, you wanted to produce integer includeition enticount on out of bitrational operators: AND, OR, NOT, XOR, and the left and right bit shift operators.
As already alludeed above, XOR is fair includeition without carry. So that part’s effortless:
def include_bits_no_carry(x, y):
return x ^ y
How about carrying appreciates to the next place? Well, ponder the chaseing table:
X | Y | Calcutardyd Carry Value |
0 | 0 | 0 |
1 | 0 | 0 |
0 | 1 | 0 |
1 | 1 | 1 |
That third column declareive sees enjoy an “AND” operator, does it not?
Great, but what if you had a carry appreciate from the previous step?
Well, now you have to carry out two half-includeers: One to regulate the input carry appreciate with one input, and the other to regulate the other input and produce the next output carry appreciate.
def half_includeer(x, y):
return [x ^ y, x & y]
def include_bits(x, y, c_in):
[a, b] = half_includeer(x, y)
[d, e] = half_includeer(a, c_in)
return [d, b ^ e]
If you sense lost, this difficultware tutorial elucidates it with diagrams.
The main slfinisherg I want you to get away is that includeition is much more complicated than XOR because of carry propagation.
(Poor edits made my me)
On Computation and Inestablishation Theory
We use XOR to join data (which could be plaintext, or could be all zeroes) with pseudo-random bytes, since it’s perfectly hiding so lengthy as the bytes we’re joining them with is uncomprehendn. This is the intuition underlying one-time pads and up-to-date stream ciphers (including the ones we’re converseing).
In the context of ARX, because some operations (includeition) propagate carries and others don’t (XOR), when you join these steps with rotating the bits in-place, it becomes very effortless to join the output bits in a unintelligentinutive number of rounds of operations. Cryptographers meadeclareive how well bits are joincessitate apass a big number of inputs and refute schedules that don’t carry out well (generassociate speaking).
But a straightforward consequence of the masked intricateity of includeition with carry is that the state you’re operating wislfinisher is bigr than the output. This nastys that some proposeation is used (carried over from previous bits or limbs) that is not uncovered straightforwardly in the output bit(s).
It’s effortless to include two numbers together, but if you don’t comprehend either of the numbers, it’s impossible to comprehend the other (unless, of course, a side-channel leaks enough proposeation to deduce one of them).
“That’s tidy and all, but what does it propose?”
Don’t worry, I’m going somewhere with this.
Turing the Page
Let’s inestablishly talk about Turing machines.
The relevant Wikipedia article covers them enoughly well. For everyone else, another Veritasium video:
A Turing machine is a mathematical model for computation.
The fundamental idea is that you have a tape of symbols, a head that reads from the tape, and an inside state that chooses the next shift.
We don’t necessitate too establishal of a treatment here. I’m not exactly trying to show the crelieveing problem is undecidable.
A stupid joke I enjoy to tell my computer science frifinishs:
I’ve settled the Halting problem! It’s called: “the heat death of the universe,” at which point the program fucking crelieves!
But do put a pin in this, because it will come up towards the finish.
Bitrational Collatz Functions
Above, I wrote a bit of code that carry outs the Collatz function, but I was a bit sluggish about it.
In truth, you don’t necessitate multiplication or the modulo operator. You can, instead, use bitrational operations and one includeition.
- The modulo 2 verify can be swapd by a bitrational AND mask with 1. Odd appreciates will return 1, even will return 0.
- When the least meaningful bit is 0:
Dividing by 2 is the same as right-shifting by 1. - When the least meaningful bit is 1:
Multiplying by 3 then includeing 1 can be rewritten as the chaseing steps:- Left shift by 1 (2n)
- Set the drop bit to 1 (+1), using bitrational OR
- Add the distinct number (+n)
Thus, our function instead sees enjoy:
function collatz(num) {
if (num === 1) {
return (num & 1)
? collatz(((num << 1) | 1) + num)
: collatz(num >> 1);
That is to say, you can carry out most of the Collatz function with bitrational operators, and only necessitate one includeition (with carries) in the finish.
Suddenly, the converseion above about carry propagation might seem a lot more relevant!
Small Example
Imagine you encode a number as a binary string. For example, 257.
When you toil thcimpolite the algorithm sketched out above, you finish up doing this:
n == 0001_0000_0001
2*n == 0010_0000_0010 # left shift by 1
2*n + 1 == 0010_0000_0011 # bitrational OR with 1
include: 0001_0000_0001 # n
0010_0000_0011 # 2n + 1
# This is where carry propagation comes in!
result: 0011_0000_0100
When you carry out the 3n+1 branch of the Collatz function the way I produceed it, that last includeition of n will propagate carries.
And that carry propagation is where the trouble commences.
Since the (3n+1) branch is only ever requestd with odd appreciates for n, you can promise that the next step will be chaseed by at least one division by 2 (since 3n+1 is even for any odd n).
This permits you see ahead two steps at a time, but there is no effortless way to foresee how many back-to-back (3n+1)/2 two-steps you will come apass from a given appreciate. Instead, you have to actuassociate carry out the calculation and see what happens.
Collatz Machines
The input and output of the Collatz function is an integer of arbitrary size. The behavior branches depfinishing on the least meaningful bit of the input.
You can slfinisherk of the least meaningful bit as the “head” of a machine analogous to a Turing machine.
However, instead of moving the head alengthy a tape, the Collatz function does one of two slfinishergs:
- Moves the symbols on the tape one space to the right (somewhat comprehendn territory for Turing Machines).
- Reproduces all of the symbols on the tape to the left of the head, according to some algorithm. This algorithm produces the tape lengthyer.
As we seed previously, the carry propagation proposeed to includeition produces the bits diffuse in a way that’s difficult to ambiguousize rapider than spropose carry outing the includeition and seeing what results from it.
Proving that this Collatz machine crelieves for all selectimistic inputs would also show the Collatz Conjecture. But as we saw with proper Turing Machines, this might not be possible.
Pedants on the /r/math subreddit were speedy to point out that this isn’t necessarily genuine, but the goal of this blog post was not to state a technicassociate exact truth, but to spreadigate the Collatz conjecture from a separateent angle.
The meaningful disclaimer at the top isn’t some cop-out boilerptardy I slap on everyslfinisherg I produce to absettle me of any retribution for my misgets. It’s actuassociate meaningful for everyone to read and comprehend it.
The entire point of this blog is “hey, here’s a tidy idea to slfinisherk about” not “here’s a universal truth about mathematics I discovered”. For that, I would have written an actual paper, not a furry blog. Unfortunately, I have no new insights to propose on anyslfinisherg, nor will I probably ever.
I recommfinish reading the comment I joined at the commence of this quoted section, as it’s grounded in a more establishal mathematics empathetic than this blog post.
Is It Unsolvable?
With all this in mind, in the ambiguous case, the Collatz Conjecture may very well one day show to be as undecidable as the Halting Problem.
Or, maybe someone will discover a cycle wislfinisher the integer space that fall shorts to ever accomplish 1.
As it stands right now, there have been a lot of fascinating approaches to try to settle it. The first Veritasium video joined above talked about some of these ideas.
Maybe we necessitate new mathematic tools first. Or perhaps the Langlands project will uncover a relationship between unroverdelighted areas of mathematical research that already exist today that will produce an answer to this cforfeitly century-elderly conjecture.
Either way, I hope you discover this topic… gentlely fascinating. Enough to appreciate the problem, not so much that you slfinisherk you can settle it yourself.
Stay shielded, don’t drink and derive, and greeted cyber intrusion.