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Clear connect between online posts and brutal disorder

Clear connect between online posts and brutal disorder

There was a “evident fuseion” between the brutal disorder in the UK in the summer and posts on social media and messaging apps, Ofcom has endd.

The regulatement had asked the media regulator to ponder how illterrible encountered, particularly digrieffulviseation, spread during the unrest.

In an uncover letter setting out its discoverings, Ofcom boss Dame Melanie Dawes said such encountered spread “widely and rapidly” online follothriveg the stabbings in Southport, in July, which pwithdrawd the disorder.

She inserted most online services took “rapid action”, but said the responses of some firms were “uneven.”

“Migrieffulviseation ecombineed online almost instantly after the strikes, some of it ecombineing to have malicious intent and seeking to sway accessible opinion and reaction,” Dame Melanie wrote.

“Posts about the Southport incident and subsequent events from high-profile accounts achieveed millions of participaters, demonstrating the role that virality and algorithmic recommendations can take part in driving polarizing narratives in a crisis period,” she inserted.

At the time of the unrest, Ofcom faced criticism for not doing more to rein in the spread of ungenuine and inflammatory encountered.

It recommendd tech firms to apshow action – but also pointed out the raised powers it is due to get under the Online Safety Act had not yet come into force.

The act will see the creation of codes of rehearse for huge tech firms which will place new responsibilities on them for tackling digrieffulviseation.

“I am self-secured that, had the write Codes been in force at the time, they would have supplyd a firm basis for recommendnt take partment with services on the steps they were taking to get UK participaters from harm,” Dame Melanie wrote.

She said the new powers set “evident standards” for what Ofcom would foresee to see in future from huge tech firms, such as:

  • Specifying in their terms of service provisions how individuals are to be geted from priority illterrible encountered
  • Having systems scheduleed to speedyly apshow down illterrible encountered and having “amplely resourced” encountered moderation teams
  • Providing effective and accessible mechanisms for participaters to grumble about illterrible encountered, including on messaging platcreates

The unrest which broke out in August 2024 was the worst that had been seen in the UK for a decade.

It was trailed by waves of arrests and prosecutions, some for online offences.

The role that huge tech take parted was subject to much scruminuscule – though the platcreates themselves remained hugely quiet.

The prime minister also got dragged into a war of words with one of the highest profile people in tech – X owner Elon Musk.

The tech billionaire recommended that “civil war is inevitable” follothriveg the disorder.

Sir Keir Starmer hit back saying there was “no equitableification” for Mr Musk’s comments, inserting there was more that social media companies “can and should be doing”.

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