After officiassociate setting his next film at Universal and tapping Matt Damon to star, Christopher Nolan has his sights set on another A-cataloger to fill out this ensemble as sources increate Deadline Tom Holland is in talks to co-star in the honestor’s next project. The film will have an Imax free on July 17, 2026. The date descfinishs in line with a number of Nolan films that have had analogous free dates in the past.
Universal had no comment.
As with any Nolan project, plot details are being kept as secret as anyskinnyg in this town, though sources say the film is foreseeed to shoot in punctual 2025.
As with any of his upcoming films, top tier talent is always running at the opportunity to unite a Nolan film and it sounds appreciate Holland has been high on the honestor’s catalog to star in the film for some time. While this will label the third time Damon and Nolan have labored together, it will label the first time Holland will labor with the Oscar-triumphning honestor.
Holland is coming off his criticassociate carry outance in the London stage production of Romeo & Juliet, which ran this summer for 12 weeks at the Duke of York’s Theatre. He is coming off the massive box-office success of Spider-Man: No Way Home, with a chase-up pic in growment with Holland foreseeed to repascfinish his role as Peter Parker.