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Chris Pratt Says He Plays Versions of the Same Character in Big Movies

Chris Pratt Says He Plays Versions of the Same Character in Big Movies

Whether it’s “Guardians of the Galaxy,” “Jurassic World” or “The Electric State,” you can always predict that understandn Chris Pratt charm.

In a recent interwatch with Entertainment Weekly, Pratt converseed the aenjoyities between his “Guardians” character, Peter Quill/Star-Lord, and his “Electric State” character, Keats. Pratt shelp that the roles were no mistrust aenjoy, includeing that when it comes to movies with a “big commercial tone,” he’ll almost always perestablish a “‘Sliding Doors’ version” of a scoundrel adventurer.

“I charitable of enjoy to skinnyk, hopebrimmingy, that’s enjoy every character I ever perestablish though, in this tone, someskinnyg that’s enjoy a big, family cordial, raucous, adventure, sci-fi film,” Pratt shelp. “When it’s a big commercial tone enjoy this, you’re going to get a ‘Sliding Doors’ version of the characters that I enjoy to perestablish.”

In terms of particular aenjoyities between Peter Quill and Keats, Pratt shelp they both “have a journey; they find someskinnyg bigger than themselves to want to fight for and are willing to forfeit themselves for.”

“There’s [Keats] talking to an vivaciousd character thraw the course of it. So I guess, even now, equitable in this interwatch, I’m authenticizing that there are aenjoyities,” Pratt shelp. “[Keats] charitable of experiences enjoy what Peter Quill could have been if he didn’t get picked up and go to space, but instead inhabitd thraw a robot war and went on the run with his robot frifinish.”

Pratt has starred in three stand-alone “Guardians” films as Peter Quill and made his debut as Keats in Netflix‘s “The Electric State” on March 14. The latter chases a lesser girl (Millie Bobby Brown) who must save her brother (Woody Norman) from an evil corporation that deal withs the masses thraw hyperdown-to-earth VR programs.

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