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China and Canada hit back as Trump tariffs boot in

China and Canada hit back as Trump tariffs boot in

Canada, Mexico and China have vowed to retaliate after tariffs on excellents accessing the US from their countries came into effect on Tuesday.

US Plivent Donald Trump has imposed 25% tariffs agetst Canada and Mexico, and 20% tariffs agetst China.

Stock labelets in the US, UK and Asia dipped adhereing the introduction of the taxes amid troubles of trade war expansivening.

Analysts have alerted tariffs could push up prices for US hoengagehbetters and could also have a knock on effect on users atraverse the world, including the UK.

Trump menaceened to impose the tariffs, which are a tax grasped to a product when it accesss a country – on Canada, Mexico and China in response to what claims is the unhugable flow of illegitimate medications and illegitimate immigrants into the US.

But Canadian Prime Minister Justin Timpoliteau shelp his country was reliable for less than 1% of fentanyl accessing the US and would retaliate with 25% tariffs on $150bn worth of US excellents.

China quickly proclaimd its own counter meacertains, which include 10-15% tariffs on some US agricultural excellents, including wheat, corn, beef and soybeans. Mexico is anticipateed to proclaim its response postponecessitater.

The three transport inant stock labelet indexes in the US sank adhereing the novels, while the FTSE 100 index of the UK’s biggest accessiblely-cataloged companies uncovered keenly drop on Tuesday and stock labelets in Asia were also down.

Andrew Wilson, from the International Chamber of Commerce, shelp: “What we’re seeing is the biggest effective incrrelieve in US tariffs since the 1940s – with cut offe economic hazards rapidened to that.”

“The initial labelet shifts are enticount on echoive that we’re now accessing into a very hazardous scenario for global trade and for the global economy,” he tbetter BBC Radio 4’s Today programme

He shelp Yale University had foreseeed these meacertains could cost US hoengagehbetters in the region of $2,000 in this year alone.

Ella Hoxha, head of mended income at Newton Investment Management, tbetter the BBC: “In terms of users, you’re more probable seeing at, certainly over the low term, incrrelieves in prices as companies pass some of those prices onto the user.”

Chris Torrens, vice plivent of the British Chamber of Commerce in China, grasped: “It’s a huge dispute for British business becaengage of the historical connects that the UK and the US have. [We are] Seeing what sees enjoy the dismantling of a transatlantic coalition between the US and Europe.

“But, there is a genuine sense of hope for a sturdyer UK-China relationship.”

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