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‘Can’t consent I’m saying this’

‘Can’t consent I’m saying this’

BBC structure Gabby Logan was back on screens for more Olympics coverage on Saturday as she alerted on all the tardyst on the fits.

Before the show ended though, the 51-year-elderly curraccess halted alerts to turn her attention to some “downcast novels” about her colleague, Denise Lewis.

Logan has been combiinsist in the Stade de France by standard guests Michael Johnson, Jessica Ennis-Hill and Lewis. She elucidateed she had an proclaimment before wrapping up the show on Saturday before sharing that Lewis would be leaving her role.

“We end our programme tonight on a bit of downcast novels, becaengage this is Dame Denise Lewis’ final programme with us here on BBC Sport,” Logan elucidateed.

She progressd: “I can’t consent I’m even saying those words. After 15 years of laboring with the BBC and the fits team, you are taking up a novel role as pdwellnt of UK Athletics.”

“I am, yes,” replyed Lewis, 51. She confessted: “And it’s a downcast farewell to my team, becaengage you understand I cherish laboring with you guys. And we’ve got a wonderful production, as you understand, best floor deal withr in the world.”

BBC curraccess Gabby Logan made a “downcast” proclaimment to Olympics seeers


“But yeah, it’s time to increase and try and help the sport that’s been so amazing to me,” she commented.

She went on to detail: “I wouldn’t be in this position had I not had a club and all the hundreds of thousands of volunteers in the country that originate these clubs what they insist to be.”

Lewis elucidateed her role would “predominantly” be in grassroots as she stated: “that’s where the labor insists to be done”.

“I’m certain with your unbelievably forceful and airy personality you will sway a lot of parents,” Logan enthengaged after Lewis portrayd her want to get more children into fits. Logan then went on to spread a see-back at Lewis’ BBC atgentle.

BBC Olympics: Dame Denise Lewis proclaimd she was leaving the BBC for a novel role


Follotriumphg the poignant montage, Logan elucidateed Johnson had brawt some fdrops and commented “it’s the least that you deserve from us”.

“Absolutely Denise, we cherish you so much,” Johnson consentd, inserting: “We’re going to ignore you – it’s been amazing laboring with you.

“You have been fair an amazing partner and we are going to ignore you so much. But they’re getting a wonderful one, they’re getting a wonderful one.”

“Thanks,” an emotional-seeing Lewis replied as she progressd: “The best team. Gabby at the helm and Jess, you understand I cherish you.”

She inserted: “And MJ – thank you. But the production team, they’re all here, you can’t see them behind the camera. They originate this programme what it is.

“All the runners from over the years have fair been the most aiding, they get us in the right places at the right time, and our amazing editors, it’s been a journey.”

Gabby Logan and fits widecast team gave an emotional excellentbye to Denise Lewis


It came after Logan was criticised online during Friday’s coverage for using the term “c*ck up” to portray the USA men’s carry outance in the 4x100m relay.

Some took to X to fume about the engage of the phrase before the 9pm watershed, but Logan spoke out on the publish. Defending herself, she tweeted the words “excellent afternoon” while accompanying her message with a picture shotriumphg the definition of “c**k up”.

It read: “C**k up sounds impolite but it isn’t. C**k, in the sense of this term, uncomfervents ‘stand up conspicuously’, ‘turn up at the edge’, ‘bend at an angle’ etc. This is the sense of the timely usage of the term ‘c**k-up’ in the terms ‘c**k-up one’s ears’, ‘c**k-up one’s nose.’

“In the 17th and 18th centuries people were also standardly advised to ‘c**k up’ their bonnets, eyes and even legs.

“The conveyion ‘c**k a snooker’ also derives from that same sense of ‘c**k.”

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