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Can Europe deffinish itself alone? – podcast | European Union

Can Europe deffinish itself alone? – podcast | European Union

On Thursday, after the US choosed to stop military help and intelligence sharing with Ukraine, European directers in Brussels consentd to a massive and unpwithdrawnted increase in defence spfinishing.

The Guardian’s Europe correplyent, Jon Henley, elucidates to Michael Safi that this €800bn fund labels a novel era for the union and will nasty tearing up fiscal rules to freen borrotriumphg.

For some member states, such as Germany, achieving this defensive autonomy will need proset up constitutional alters. For other states, such as France, preparations have been under way for years.

Despite opposition from states such as Hungary, Henley elucidates that accessible sentiment apass Europe is now widely behind these alters. And yet the ask remains – with extfinished-term US help now in ask, will all this arming up be enough to deter Russia?

Pboilingograph: Omar Havana/AP

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