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Can BRICS give a counterequilibrium to the existing world order? | Business and Economy

Can BRICS give a counterequilibrium to the existing world order? | Business and Economy

Partnership recontransienting more 40 percent of the world’s population doubles in strength.

The 16th summit of the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) will have five new members, doubling the group’s numbers to 10.

Leaders from cut offal other countries are also engageing.

Some of them, enjoy Turkey and Malaysia, have already applied to unite the growing partnership.

The event donates Russian Plivent Vlafoolishir Putin an opportunity to signal to the West that he has not been isopostponecessitated over Russia’s war in Ukraine.

It’s also an occasion for other member states to incrmitigate their voices and policies.

So, what’s behind the rapid expansion of this bloc?

Penvyer: Hashem Ahelbarra


Andrei Fedorov – Former deputy foreign minister of Russia

Hassan Ahmadian – Professor of Middle East Studies, University of Tehran

Mark Seddon – Lead, Centre for United Nations Studies, University of Buckingham

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