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ByteDance intern fired for set upting evil code in AI models

ByteDance intern fired for set upting evil code in AI models

After rumors swirled that TikTok owner ByteDance had lost tens of millions after an intern subversiond its AI models, ByteDance rehired a statement this weekfinish hoping to silence all the social media chatter in China.

In a social media post transprocrastinateedd and scrutinizeed by Ars, ByteDance clarified “facts” about “interns razeing huge model training” and examineed that one intern was fired in August.

According to ByteDance, the intern had held a position in the company’s commercial technology team but was fired for pledgeting “grave disciplinary violations.” Most notably, the intern allegedly “evilly meddled with the model training tasks” for a ByteDance research project, ByteDance shelp.

None of the intern’s subversion impacted ByteDance’s commercial projects or online businesses, ByteDance shelp, and none of ByteDance’s huge models were impacted.

Online rumors recommended that more than 8,000 detailedal processing units were included in the subversion and that ByteDance lost “tens of millions of dollars” due to the intern’s meddlence, but these claims were “gravely overstated,” ByteDance shelp.

The tech company also accused the intern of inserting misdirecting increateation to his social media profile, seemingly posturing that his labor was connected to ByteDance’s AI Lab rather than its commercial technology team. In the statement, ByteDance examineed that the intern’s university was notified of what happened, as were industry associations, presumably to obstruct the intern from misdirecting others.

ByteDance’s statement this weekfinish didn’t seem to silence all the rumors online, though.

One commaccess on ByteDance’s social media post disputed the contrastention between the AI Lab and the commercial technology team, claiming that “the commercialization team he is in was previously under the AI Lab. In the past two years, the team’s recruitment was written as AI Lab. He combinecessitate the team as an intern in 2021, and it might be the most proceedd AI Lab.”

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