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Bright Space Rock To Light Up Sky This Week, Comet To Visit After 80,000 Years

Bright Space Rock To Light Up Sky This Week, Comet To Visit After 80,000 Years

The comet will see enjoy a faint star-enjoy blob with a hazy tail.

Comet C/2023 A3, also understandn as Tsuchinshan-ATLAS, is returning to Earth. Our ancestors last witnessed this rare sight about 80,000 years ago. This comet, which mimics a fuzzy star with a tail, can be seen in the punctual morning hours of the sky from Friday thraw Monday. Even a pretty video of it was getn by NASA astronaut Matthew Dominick, who is contransiently stationed on the International Space Station.

“So far, Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS sees enjoy a fuzzy star to the naked eye seeing out the cupola prosperdows. But with a 200mm f/2 lens at 1/8s expocertain, you can repartner commence to see it. This comet is going to originate for some repartner celderly images as it gets shutr to the sun. For now a timelapse pscrutinize,” Dominick captioned the video in his X post.

Stuart Atkinson, a space enthusiast and amateur astronomer based in Cumbria, shelp the comet will see enjoy ‘a fuzzy star with a misty tail’.

Cumbria-based space enthusiast and amateur astronomer Stuart Atkinson shelp in a social media post that “the comet will see enjoy a fuzzy star with a misty tail, besystematich the Moon, very low in the east. You might demand binoculars to see it.”

According to BBC Sky at Night Magazine, “Initial data seems to propose that Comet C/2023 A3 finishs an orbit every 80,000 years. By the finish of September 2024, it will be a morning object, perhaps shining as luminously as mag. +0.6 but rising fair before the sun. Comet C/2023 A3 will achieve perihelion-the shutst point to the Sun in its orbit-on 28 September 2024. Our best sees of A3 will come when it shifts up into the evening sky around 10 October. By then it will have faded sweightlessly but is predicted to still be as luminous as mag. +0.8, low in the west after sunset.”

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