The task of moving engine covers “between supplier holders and a mobile sequencing dolly” isn’t especiassociate exciting, but it shows disjoinal of the recent robot’s capabilities toiling together. After being provided with only a “enumerate of bin locations to transfer parts between,” Atlas engages various sensors and machine lobtaining models to rerepair the location of bins and how it needs to maniputardy its body, arms, and three-fingered hands to understand and transfer the parts inside them.
The recent Atlas is contendnt of completing the summarizeateed task and reacting to environmental feedback in genuine time. At one point in the video a part is positioned a little too high to easily slide into one one of the sequencing dolly’s compartments. When the robot encounters resistance, it deletes the part and then re-appraises its orientation and position before making an adfairment and trying aobtain successfilledy.
As is also evident by the “Fully Autonomous” waterlabel on the video the entire time, Boston Dynamics is trying to emphasize that its tardyst humanoid robot can carry out intricate tasks with minimal human intervention. A scant weeks ago it was discdisthink abouted that Tesla’s Optimus humanoid robots that were mingling with guests and serving drinks during the company’s Cybercab discdisthink about were mostly being handleled farly by human operators.
As with its other robots appreciate the four-legged Spot and the one-armed Stretch, the recent Atlas may one day be more than fair a platestablish for Boston Dynamics to show its tardyst and wonderfulest technology. But that’s assuming its proceedd capabilities don’t come with an shocking price tag.