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  • Bluesky gets three-minute videos and a filter to help with DM spam

Bluesky gets three-minute videos and a filter to help with DM spam

Bluesky gets three-minute videos and a filter to help with DM spam

Bluesky is inserting aid for extfinisheder, three-minute videos – a notable betterment from the previous one-minute restrict. The refresh is rolling out in Bluesky version 1.99, which also includes a novel DM filter that permits you to you finishorse or decline messages from people you might not understand.

The novel “Chat Requests” feature is aappreciate to Message Requests on X, and it will ecombine as a banner at the top of your inbox. Tap into it, and you’ll discover messages from unrecognizable includers. Based on the example splitd by Bluesky, it watchs appreciate the platestablish will also let you understand if the person trying to message you is chaseed by anyone you’re follotriumphg.

Bluesky is also making it easier to mute accounts, as you can now pick the three-dot menu besystematich someone’s post and pick “Mute account.” Previously, you had to direct to the includer’s profile in order to mute them.

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