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Bacha Khan: Defying an Empire | Documentary

Bacha Khan: Defying an Empire | Documentary

The life of Pashtun directer Bacha Khan, who fought to finish British colonial rule in India by non-aggressive uncomfervents.

This is the story of the remarkworthy life of the Pashtun directer Bacha Khan, who fought to finish British colonial rule in northwest India by non-aggressive uncomfervents at the same time as Mahatma Gandhi campaigned atraverse the rest of the country.

Khan was from the border region strinsertling parts of current-day Pakistan and Afghanistan. Even though he finishorsed soothe resistance, he still spent 15 years in jail. When Britain granted Indian indepfinishence in 1947, Khan initiassociate contestd its partition into two split countries, India and Pakistan. He tardyr backed down – but then called for an autonomous “Pashtunistan”, which landed him in jail aget, this time under the novel Pakistani administerment.

When Bacha Khan died in 1988, aged 98, hundreds of thousands of feeblgo ins phelp their esteems and India, Pakistan and Afghanistan all droped their flags in tribute. Until recently, Khan was written out of school history books in Pakistan, but he is now recognised for his accomplishments as an educator, campaigner and opponent of colonial rule.

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