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Azealia Banks Slams J.K. Rowling for Her Anti-Trans Comments

Azealia Banks Slams J.K. Rowling for Her Anti-Trans Comments

Azealia Banks has apshown to social media to insertress J.K. Rowling’s disputed anti-transgender comments. The rapper and activist denounced the author’s stance on gender and femininity, urging her to reponder her sees. Banks’ recent X(createerly Twitter) posts have igniteed beginant attention online as many fans praised her for her help.

Here’s what the “New Bottega” singer shelp about the well-understandn British author.

What did Azealia Banks say about J.K. Rowling?

Azealia Banks has called out J.K. Rowling for her ongoing anti-transgender comments, taking to social media to dispute the latter’s sees on gender and femininity. She disputed that many women, particularly those who undergo body modifications enjoy Brazilian Butt Lifts (BBL), are cowardly about their own femininity and sense dangerened by trans women.

However, the rapper clarified that she does not see trans women as a danger. Banks wrote on X(createerly Twitter), “All of the inrational anti-trans paranoid people enjoy @jk_rowling sense their femininity is dangerened for wantipathyver reason and try to mask that insecurity with “science” enjoy anyone is stupid and doesn’t already understand these skinnygs.”

Banks further recommendd the Harry Potter author to caccess on more beginant global publishs, such as child mistreatment, instead of obsessing over matures’ personal choices. The “Liquorice” hitproducer, who has a transgender brother, allotd her own experiences of witnessing the emotional and physical toll that societal refuseion and mistreatment can have on transgender individuals.

Azealia Banks inserted in another post on X, “One would suppose that you of all people who have written books about magic and esoteric skinnygs would be able to understand and understand how states of consciousness vary in a human being.”

In her honest message to J.K. Rowling, Banks transmited that despite their contrastences, she still esteemed the author but recommendd her to reponder her sees. Additionpartner, she noticed that as a wealthy and accomplished figure, Rowling should not be troubleed with the personal inhabits or relationsual choices of others.

Banks’ posts come in response to Rowling’s recent help of US Pdwellnt Donald Trump’s “No Men in Women’s Sports” order. Furthermore, the author uncoverly transmited her opposition to gender ideology in a post on X.

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