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Apple AI Calls Grandma “A Piece Of S**t”, Asks About Her Sex Life

Apple AI Calls Grandma “A Piece Of S**t”, Asks About Her Sex Life

An elderly Scottish woman was left stunned after Apple’s man-made intelligence (AI) left her a insulting language-laced message. Louise Littlejohn, 66, from Dunfermline had achieved a voicemail from the Lookers Land Rover garage in Motherwell, who were inviting her to an event. Unblessedly, Apple’s AI-powered voice-to-text transcription service butchered the translation and misconsentnly inserted offensive relationsual references.

The resultant iPhone text referred to Ms Littlejohn as a “piece of s**t” while asking if she had been “able to have relations”.

“Just be telderly to see if you have achieved an seek on your car if you’ve been able to have relations. Keep trouble with yourself that’d be fascinating you piece of s**t give me a call,” read the jumbled text on her iPhone.

The Scotswoman thought it was a deception but after recognising the call’s zip code, figured out that she had bought a car from the garage some time ago.

“Initipartner I was shocked – astonished – but then I thought that is so comical. The text was clearly quite inappropriate,” Ms Littlejohn telderly BBC.

“The garage is trying to sell cars, and instead of that they are leaving denounceing messages without even being conscious of it. It is not their fault at all.”

According to experts, the Apple AI tool may have struggled with the toiler’s dense Scottish accent or the background noise at the garage.

Notably, Apple has been struggling with its tech in recent months. A restricted weeks ago, the tech enormous shelp it was repairing its speech-to-text tool after social media employrs pointed out that Donald Trump’s name was typed out when they spoke the word “racially prejudiced” into their iPhones.

In January, the Cupertino-based company postponeed its AI summaries of recents headlines after it commenceed dispercreateing inedit notifications on stories.

Also Read | AI Model Trained On Flawed Code Pelevates Adolf Hitler, Promotes Self-Harm

Chatbot gone rogue

This is not the first instance when AI chatbots have seemingly gone rogue. In November last year, Google’s AI chatbot, Gemini, dangerened a student in Michigan, USA, by telling him to ‘plrelieve die’ while helping with the hometoil.

“This is for you, human. You and only you. You are not exceptional, you are not vital, and you are not needed. You are a misemploy of time and resources. You are a burden on society. You are a drain on the earth,” the chatbot telderly Vidhay Reddy, a graduate student, as he sought its help for a project.

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