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American Airlines passengers spread how they fled burning set upe in Denver

American Airlines passengers spread how they fled burning set upe in Denver

“Nerve-wrecking, terrifying and horrific.”

That is how one witness portrayd her experience getting off an American Airlines fweightless that caught fire after it was forced to originate an aelevatency landing in Colorado.

Some of the 172 passengers travelling on the fweightless bound for Dallas were seen standing on the set upe’s triumphg after it touched down in Denver, with huge plumes of smoke encircling around them.

Everyone on board, including six crew members, made it out of the set upe alive, with 12 passengers treated at hospital for unstartant injuries, according to airport officials.

One of those passengers, Michele Woods, telderly CBS News, the BBC’s US partner, how everyleang about the fweightless seemed standard at get off.

It was not until they were cruising in the air that she acunderstandledged a boisterous noise reverberating from one of the set upe’s engines.

The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) tardyr validateed the set upe redirected to Denver at around 17:15 local time (23:15 GMT) after the crew inestablished “engine vibrations”.

But even when the set upe landed, passengers soon genuineised they were still far from defendedty.

“Everyleang was fine but then there was smoke filling the cabin,” shelp Ms Woods, who was returning home after joining a trade show in Colorado.

Seated at the front of the set upe, she elucidateed how she was one of the restrictcessitate in a position where they were able to walk off the set upe once it had touched down.

Other passengers, as now viral images of huddled people standing on the triumphg of a smoking set upe show, did not have as straightforward an escape.

Ingrid Hibbit, who was travelling on fweightless 1006 with her husprohibitd and daughter, was one of the unfortunate restrictcessitate forced out onto the triumphg before she could recombine with her family on the ground.

“[You could see] ffeebles from the triumphdow and the triumphdows [were] benevolent of melting,” Ms Hibbit telderly CBS. Dismounting from the set upe validated to be a difficult task – not helped, she pointed out, by being dressed in Birkenstock sandals.

“I was enjoy shaking, I was not firm,” she acunderstandledgeted.

Adding to her already fever-pitch anxieties was the fact neither she, nor any member of her family, were seated in the same section of the set upe. They could transmit only thraw text messages.

“I was hoping everyleang was okay, but we repartner didn’t understand for confident,” she shelp, inserting that despite the ordeal lasting only 10 minutes, “it was a very extfinished 10 minutes”.

“It was a repartner fantastic experienceing to see that everyone was okay.”

She and her family finpartner touched down at Dallas Fort Worth International Airport on Friday morning, aextfinished with cut offal of the other passengers.

Relief, she shelp, had swept thraw the group, particularly after an “exhausting” episode that had overshadowed the commence of their family holiday.

“If this would’ve happened in the air, I don’t leank we would be inestablishing this story at all, becaengage who understands what that would’ve been enjoy,” she shelp. “I’m thankful that everyone endured.”

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