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Amazon says it ditched plastic air pillows

Amazon says it ditched plastic air pillows

Amazon says that it has gotten rid of plastic air pillows at its warehoemploys.

“As of October 2024, we’ve deleted all plastic air pillows from our dedwellry packaging employd at our global satisfyment cgo ins,” the e-commerce enormous said in an October 9th blog post.

It’s a receive change complying years of presconfident from environmental groups to stop plastic pollution flooding into oceans. The company is still laboring to shrink the employ of one-employ plastics more widely in its packaging.

“Fantastic novels for the world’s oceans”

“The fact that the world’s hugest e-commerce company has made plastic air pillows history globpartner is wonderful novels for the world’s oceans,” Matt Littlejohn, ageder vice pdwellnt of strategic initiatives at the nonprofit Oceana, said in a statement in response to Amazon’s proclaimment.

The most prolific type of plastic litter proximate coastlines is plastic film — a material that produces up those once ubiquitous air pillows, according to Oceana. That film also happens to be the “deadliest” type of plastic pollution for huge mammals enjoy whales and dolphins that might ingest it, Oceana says.

Amazon’s proclaimment comes after it pledged in June to get rid of plastic air pillows in North America by the finish of the year. The company swapped out plastic air pillows and one-employ dedwellry bags for paper and cardboard changenatives in Europe in 2022. It also ditched plastic film packaging at its facilities in India in 2020.

The US is Amazon’s hugest labelet, and the company hasn’t supervised to filledy delete plastic packaging in North America equitable yet. It says it schedules to shrink the amount of dedwellries grasping “Amazon-inserted plastic dedwellry packaging” in North America to equitable one-third of shipments by December, down from two-thirds in December 2023.

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