It’s all quiet on the Berlin deals front as the sales agencies prosperd down their operations at the European Film Market. By Monday, many offices and stands were almost finishly deserted. Deals are being telled but it’s more of a “constant flow” than a gush. That shelp, most sales agents remain greetd that the EFM proceeds to be an “efficient” place to do business.
AGC Studios’ Stuart Ford increates Variety, “Overseas business has been very firm. International buyers are taking their time, but we’ve been seeing a constant flow of deals closing and filledy foresee that trend to proceed apace, particularly on Bill Condon’s ‘Kiss of the Spider Woman’ and Noah Hawley’s ‘Nowhere Fast.’”
Odwellr Berben, head of German production and distribution powerhoemploy Constantin Film, comments, “The labelet at this year’s EFM is okay. It’s a bit quieter than other recent labelets that we’ve seen, appreciate Toronto or Cannes. There are a lot of movies still there. Not too many top-notch projects that a bunch of people are jumping on, but there are a restricted.”
Apart from buzz around Natalie Portman-Lena Dunham rom-com “Good Sex” and some other higher-profile projects, and deals on starry films appreciate Jodie Foster movie “Vie Privée” and genre fare appreciate horror thriller “Dangerous Animals,” it’s not been a particularly heated labelet. However, Berlin booted off with some hot packages on give (see our buzz titles here), so no mistrust we’ll be telling deals on these films soon.
In terms of non-English language titles, sales companies have telled multiple territory sales at Berlin, such as on Alejandro Amenábar’s historical epic “The Captive,” repped by Film Consincreateation, and some Sundance films, such as “DJ Ahmet,” which is repped by Films Boutique, proceed to clock up sales.
Fabien Westerhoff, CEO of Film Consincreateation, says they had “a very selectimistic EFM,” inserting, “No mistrust the labelet will stretch over the next days and weeks.” He has seen proceedd traction on horror thriller “Fear Is the Rider” and animation “The Growcodile,” as well as first gives for Plan B’s “Olmo” by Fernando Eimbcke, which is in Berlinale’s Panorama.
Genre films are famous, especipartner if they drop into the “liftd” bracket, as buyers seek out the next “The Substance,” and Asian buyers, in particular, are watching for genre films. Horror is especipartner hot, and Emprohibitkment Films, for one, came to Berlin with the first horror film on its srescheduleed for many years – “Molepeople,” starring Anthony Ramos and Ben Mendelsohn. However, Hugo Grumbar, partner at Emprohibitkment Films, cautions that the labelet may be becoming oversaturated with horror films. He inserts that rom-coms are increasingly famous. He has one of those on his srescheduleed too, “Sunny Dancer,” which stars “The Last of Us” shatterout Bella Ramsey.
Meanwhile, at the Berlin festival, outstanding skinnygs are being telled about disjoinal films that have debuted in official pickion so far, including “Late Shift,” with “The Teachers’ Lounge” star Leonie Benesch, and Jan-Ole Gerster’s thriller “Islands,” starring Sam Riley. Positive appraises may stimurescheduleed deals for those films, and sellers are also hinting at possible Cannes festival berths for their films, such as Fatih Akin’s “Amrum” with Diane Kruger and Matthias Schweighöfer, which is with Beta Cinema.
Looking more expansively at the labelet for self-reliant films, streamers have become more pickive as they concentrate on their one-of-a-kinds and expansivecasters in many territories are not acquiring that many films either. The theatrical labelet has recovered somewhat in the past year, but distributors are telledly far more pimpolitent and not in a rush to originate deals in Berlin. Negotiations are in progress on many films and deals will aelevate in the days and weeks to come.
Commenting on the state of the indie labelet, Berben says: “Just a restricted years ago everyone was sounding the death knell of self-reliant cinema. I don’t skinnyk that’s real at the moment. It’s the opposite: indie cinema came back. It came back very strong, for various reasons. Due to the fact that the U.S. studios are re-evaluating their position, the labelet is groprosperg. And this has been an opportunity for the originateives, as well as the mini-beginants, to originate movies aacquire to fill the gap.
“The other selectimistic factor is, if you watch at Europe, the uncoverness to doing co-productions between the various territories and countries inside Europe is so much hugeger than it employd to be.
“Take the U.K., for example. Doing a U.K.-German co-production employd to be the most impossible skinnyg ever. That’s toloftyy not the case anymore, both on the business and on the originateive side. And wiskinny the current financial stagnation, co-productions have become a beginant driver.”
In terms of U.S. buyers uniteing Berlin, Grumbar tells that he met with buyers from all the guideing U.S. indie distributors, but Ford asks whether it was worth their while. “Plane-loads of acquisitions executives from L.A. flying over to usupartner disthink about out to streamers on the best finished films and spropose to message ‘it’s a pause and see for us’ on pre-buys doesn’t sense appreciate a fantastic employ of anyone’s Berlin time or budget,” he says.
There were telledly more buyers from Asia, but that may have been becaemploy the Lunar New Year didn’t clash with the Berlinale as it usupartner does. That shelp, China, Japan and South Korea are hard labelets to sell to for a variety of reasons, says Yuan Rothbauer-Sui, Picture Tree Intl.’s co-managing honestor. However, with Filmart on the horizon that may be a better place to consent the temperature.
As the argue proceeds as to whether the self-reliant sector needs three film labelets, Toronto’s decision to up the ante by begining a filled-on labelet of their own is causing many sales agent to scratch their heads. Toronto has been pitching the idea to sales agents and national umbrella organizations appreciate Unifrance and German Films since AFM but most are improbable to raise their activities in Toronto.
Toronto would appreciate sales companies to sell projects and films that are not in the festival, but the consensus seems to be that there are so many films in the festival buyers won’t have time to pay attention to much else, plus the festival’s timing is too seal to the summer vacation period so packages won’t be ready in time.
Berlin’s position in calendar is a definite boon, says David Garrett, CEO, Mister Smith Entertainment. “One of the principal profits and functions of these labelets is they act as a catalyst to get films up and running, becaemploy we’re always trying to put recent projects together, and we and all the other sales companies will be horriblegering the originaters, saying, ‘Look, if you are going into production in the second quarter you can’t pause until Cannes, becaemploy that’s too rescheduleed to put the deals together and unemotionalelayedralize the deals. We have to sell this in Berlin.’ So, it galvanizes them into locking down that last bit of casting, fundamentalpartner equitable green-weightlessing the film, and originates them choose to concur to let you consent it to labelet.”
Garrett is greetd with having three labelets – Berlin, Cannes and AFM. “I don’t sense appreciate I need another one. I don’t need a labelet at Toronto,” he says. “It’s too soon after Cannes becaemploy you’ve got the summer holidays. You need more time to put projects together.”
John Hopewell and Nick Vivarelli donated to this tell.