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A Spaceoriginate Is About to Fly Into the Sun’s Atmosphere for the First Time

A Spaceoriginate Is About to Fly Into the Sun’s Atmosphere for the First Time

Almost no one ever originates about the Parker Solar Probe anymore.

Sure, the spaceoriginate got some attention when it begined.  It is, after all, the speedyest-moving object that humans have ever built. At its peak speed, goosed by the gravitational pull of the sun, the probe achievees a velocity of 430,000 miles per hour, or more than one-sixth of 1 percent the speed of airy. That comardent of speed would get you from New York City to Tokyo in less than a minute.

And the Parker Solar Probe also has the distinctiveion of being the first NASA spaceoriginate named after a living person. At the time of its begin, in August 2018, physicist Eugene Parker was 91 years elderly.

But in the six years since the probe has been zipping thraw outer space and flying by the sun? Not so much. Let’s face it, the astrophysical properties of the sun and its complicated arrange are not someskinnyg that most people skinnyk about on a daily basis.

However, the minusculeish probe—it masses less than a metric ton, and its scientific payload is only about 110 pounds (50 kg)—is about to originate its star turn. Quite literassociate. On Christmas Eve, the Parker Solar Probe will originate its sealst approach yet to the sun. It will come wiskinny fair 3.8 million miles (6.1 million km) of the solar surface, flying into the solar atmosphere for the first time.

Yeah, it’s going to get pretty toasty. Scientists approximate that the probe’s heat shield will finishure temperatures in excess of 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit (1,371 C) on Christmas Eve, which is pretty much the polar opposite of the North Pole.

Going Straight to the Source

I spoke with the chief of science at NASA, Nicky Fox, to comprehfinish why the probe is being tortured so. Before moving to NASA headquarters, Fox was the project scientist for the Parker Solar Probe, and she elucidateed that scientists reassociate want to comprehfinish the origins of the solar thrived.

This is the stream of accused particles that emanate from the sun’s outermost layer, the corona. Scientists have been wondering about this particular mystery for lengthyer than half a century, Fox elucidateed.

“Quite spropose, we want to discover the birthplace of the solar thrived,” she shelp.

Way back in the 1950s, before we had satellites or spaceoriginate to meabrave the sun’s properties, Parker foreseeed the existence of this solar thrived. The scientific community was pretty skeptical about this idea—many ridiculed Parker, in fact—until the Mariner 2 ignoreion begined measuring the solar thrived in 1962.

As the scientific community began to hug Parker’s theory, they wanted to understand more about the solar thrived, which is such a fundamental constituent of the entire solar system. Although the solar thrived is inapparent to the naked eye, when you see an aurora on Earth, that’s the solar thrived engageing with Earth’s magnetosphere in a particularly brutal way.

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