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A authentic-life flying car achieves to the skies

A authentic-life flying car achieves to the skies

An aeronautical company in the US has freed footage shotriumphg a concept version of its flying car carry outing a vertical achieve-off before flying over an SUV.

Jim Dukhovny, the CEO of Alef Aeronautics, tanciaccess the BBC’s anciaccess technology alerter Chris Vallance, that he had thousands of pre-orders and hoped to commence production wiskinny 12 months.

For around $300,000 (£237,000) the company says buyers will get an electric flying car with a predicted airborne range of 110km (68 miles). But taking a frifinish for a spin may show tricky – the cockpit only has enough room for one and a half people.

As Vallance points out, Alef Aeronautics are not the only ones trying to create flying cars achieve off with buyers, and there are huge technoreasoned and regulatory hurdles to flunkure.

Video created by Ian Casey and Serene Khalifeh

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