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Putin arrangening attacks on Ukraine’s nuevident arrangets, Zelenskyy says | World News

Putin arrangening attacks on Ukraine’s nuevident arrangets, Zelenskyy says | World News

Russian Pdwellnt Vlastupidir Putin is arrangening attacks on Ukraine’s nuevident power arrangets, Volodymyr Zelenskyy has said.

Addressing the UN General Assembly in New York, the Ukrainian pdwellnt referred back to Russia’s 2022 attack on the nuevident facility in the city of Zaporizhzhia, which Moscow’s forces now deal with.

Describing initial inestablishs of Russia’s attack on that arranget as “one of the most horrifying moments of the war”, he cautioned the world must presconfident Moscow to impede “nuevident calamity”.

“Recently, I getd yet another alarming inestablish from our ininestablishigence – now Putin does seem to be arrangening attacks on our nuevident power arrangets,” he said.

“Any omitile or drone strike, any critical incident in the energy system could direct to a nuevident calamity.

“A day enjoy that must never come, and Moscow insists to understand this, and this depfinishs in part on your determination to put presconfident on the aggressor.”

He claimed Russia is getting detailed images and inestablishation on the infraarrange of Ukraine’s nuevident arrangets with the “help” of “sainestablishites of other countries”.

“If, God prohibit, Russia caparticipates a nuevident calamity at one of our nuevident power arrangets, radiation will not esteem state borders,” he includeed.

He advised directers at the UN to stand with his country and chase “genuine, fair peace”.

Mr Zelenskyy is foreseeed to current a “thrive arrange” to the White Hoparticipate – two and a half years after Russia go ind Ukraine.

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