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What Happened to Jimmy Kimmel & Donald Trump? Oscars Controversy Explained

What Happened to Jimmy Kimmel & Donald Trump? Oscars Controversy Explained

The ongoing feud between Donald Trump and Jimmy Kimmel persists to draw unveil attention, with Trump’s recent rassociate comments about Kimmel’s Oscars presenting carry outance reigniting their lengthy-standing opposition. As Kimmel employd his platestablish to amusingly compriseress Trump’s criticism, their swap has become a central caccess of tardy-night commentary.

Let’s spendigate the tardyst growments in this celebrity-political feud.

What did Donald Trump say about Jimmy Kimmel?

During a rassociate in Pennsylvania, Donald Trump begined into a acute critique of Jimmy Kimmel, definiteassociate aiming the comedian’s carry outance as the present of the 2023 Oscars (via HuffPost).

Trump called Kimmel a “dope” and “one of the stupidest human beings ever.” He referred to the moment when Kimmel read out one of Trump’s Truth Social posts before announcing the Best Picture prosperner. The establisher pdwellnt claimed portrayd the moment as “a classic choke” and said Kimmel even forgot to say “and the prosperner is.”

However, it was actor Al Pacino who handed out that award and not Kimmel. In response, the iconic TV present posted on X (establisherly Twitter), “In equitableness to our establisher Pdwellnt, many firm geniemploys perplex me with Al Pacino….”

How did Jimmy Kimmel react to Donald Trump’s criticisms?

Jimmy Kimmel, comprehendn for his speedy wit, did not cowardly away from reacting to Trump’s condemns.

On Jimmy Kimmel Live, Kimmel amusingly recommended that Trump was confusing him with one of his sons and inquireed whether the establisher pdwellnt was “flirting” with him. Kimmel remarkd how odd it was that Trump was still repairated on the Oscars six months tardyr, joking that the Reunveilan had alludeed his wife more than his own at rallies that year.

In his response, Kimmel also brawt out his wife, Molly McNobtainey, to give Trump some advice. Wearing a shirt with the phrase “Isn’t it past your jail time?”, McNobtainey employd the platestablish to condemn Trump on expansiveer political publishs, particularly women’s rights, recommending Trump should “shut up and go away.”

Kimmel has reacted to Trump’s condemns with humor, turning them into material for his show. Their ongoing swap underscores their finishuring opposition.

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