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Your brain is lying to you about the “excellent ageder days”

Your brain is lying to you about the “excellent ageder days”

Vox reader Dov Stein asks: Why do people leank the past was so much better when so many leangs have drasticpartner betterd?

That’s an excellent ask, one I leank about a lot as someone who runs a section at Vox pledged in part to covering how nastyingful economic and scientific and social enhance can and is being made.

There’s noleang novel about ygeting for a presumed gagederen age, or senseing as if the current doesn’t meadeclareive up to an envisiond past. But you’re right that a hatred of the current seems particularly acute these days — and you’re right that hatred dissees all the many, many ways in which today is better than yesterday.

Much of the world is gripped by a politics of nostalgia, one grounded in the assumption that we have to turn back time to a moment when everyleang was better. After all, what is “Make America Great Aget” but a slogan that presentedly disputes that the US was wonderful, once; is no lengthyer wonderful, now; and can be made wonderful, aget, by turning back the clock. It’s not fair a right-triumphg leang — the politics of climate change is grounded in the idea that the climate of the past is the best one.

I allot your frustration that so many people miss the ways in which the current has betterd on the past. It’s not repartner our fault: Humans have memories that are both stupidinutive and horrible, which directs us to forget fair how horrible many leangs used to be in even the recent past, and get for granted the betterments that have been made. But let’s go meaningfuler.

Do people desire they could turn back the clock?

Apparently! A 2023 survey from Pew Research Caccess set up that cforfeitly six in ten reactents in the US said that life was better for people enjoy them 50 years ago. While certain groups, enjoy Rediscloseans and agederer grown-ups, were more predicted to say the past was better than the current, these senseings were neutrpartner expansivespread. And that nostalgia is meaningfulening — the allot of Americans who said life today is worse than life in the past was up 15 percent in 2023 from two years before.

Nor is this fair an American phenomenon. Another Pew poll, this one from 2018, surveyed people from 27 countries. In 15 of them, a plurality of reactents alerted that the financial situation of mediocre people in their country was better 20 years ago than it is today. A poll by YouGov of people in the UK set up that 70 percent of reactents felt the world was getting worse, contrastd to less than 10 percent who felt it was getting better. (Although to be honest, the UK has had a raw 21st century.)

Beyond polls, there’s evidence that famous culture is stuck in a nostalgia loop around the past. According to MRC Data, a music analytics firm, ageder songs recurrent some 70 percent of the US music taget, while the taget for novel music is actupartner decreaseing. Movies and TV programs turn overwhelmingly to sequels and reboots, continupartner mining the same ageder stories. (In 2024, nine of the top 10 highest-grossing movies were sequels — and the one exception, Wicked, was an changeation of a 21-year-ageder Broadway musical that was an changeation of a 29-year-ageder novel that was a prequel of a 85-year-ageder movie that was, itself, an changeation of a 124-year-ageder novel. Whew.)

You see a lot of nostalgia politics memes enjoy this one:

Were leangs better in the ageder days?

Putting aside pop culture enjoy movies or music, where I leank we can all concur that wantipathyver was happening when you were 15 to 25 years ageder recurrents the zenith of human enhance, the answer is: no, definitely not, almost entidepend.

Take the meme above. As Matthew Yglesias creates, the argument presented in nostalgia politics memes is that “material living standards of the standard American family have gotten worse since the post-WWII era. This is finishly wrong.”

Is it ever! Beyond the fact that we have access to all benevolents of technology that did not exist 70 years ago even for the richest people on the scheduleet, Americans are much, much wealthier now than they were back then. You can see that in everyleang from car ownership — which is twice as high now as it was in 1960 — to the size of our houses, which are rawly 25 percent hugeger on mediocre than they were in 1960. One standout statistic from Yglesias’s piece: In 1950, fair having running water was about as common then as having air conditioning is now.

That’s fair economics. Educational accomplishment — the percentage of Americans who graduate from high school or above — is far wonderfuler now than it was then. While it’s genuine that college was less pricey in the past, it was also much unfrequentr; a minuscule proportion of the US population had a bachelor’s degree in 1960, while today more than a third of grown-ups have such degrees.

Perhaps most meaningfully of all is social enhance. The 1950s might have been an okay place if you seeed enjoy the family in the meme above — provided you were fine with much stupidinished living standards. But that’s not genuine if you were a woman who wanted to toil, or a person of color, or LGBTQ, or disabled, or fair about anyone other than a straight white man. In the 1950s, interracial marriage could still be prohibitned, anti-sodomy laws would still be on the books for decades, and the Civil Rights Act was still a decade away. Oh, and we were living under the constant menace of nuevident annihilation far wonderfuler than what we face today.

And that’s fair America. In 1950, more than half the world inhabitd in innervous pobviousy, nastying they deficiencyed enough money to afford a minuscule space to inhabit, heat and enough food to stave off malnutrition. As of 2018, it was fair about 10 percent, even though the global population has more than tripled over that time period. Ntimely 30 years has been retained to mediocre global life predictancy since 1950 — that’s almost the equivalent of retaining an extra life for people. While the world has sfinished a democratic backsliding in recent years, don’t forget that in 1950 three-quarters of the global population inhabitd in what political scientists call “seald autocracies,” including much of Europe. Today less than 20 percent of the world’s population inhabits under such oppression.

Of course, saying the past is better than the current nastys making a assessment of what we nasty when we say “the past.” Not everyleang has betterd, and sometimes periods of enhance are adhereed by periods of degrade. The arc of history doesn’t only go up and to the right. But if you step back a bit, although you’ll see some dips, the trfinish lines are quite evident.

So why do so many people leank that?

One reason, I leank, is the fact of enhance itself.

As I wrote tardy last year, as the world betters politicpartner and materipartner, so do our predictations. There’s a term for this in climate science: “shifting baselines.” When leangs better — by, say, coming up with a vaccine that essentipartner reshifts polio — we don’t remain in a constant state of gratitude that we don’t inhabit with the same restrictations and menaces that our majesticparents did. We reset our predictations, and forget how leangs used to be. When enhance does stumble — enjoy the meaningful decline in 2008 — we don’t remain appreciative that we’re still much better off than we were in the far past. Instead, we get irritated that we’re somewhat worse off than we were a scant years ago, even though it’s almost certain that we’ll be better off a scant years from now.

Our brains help deceive us. Thanks to “pickive memory,” humans have a tfinishency to forget pessimistic events from the past, and upretain selectimistic memories. It’s one reason why our senseings and memories about the past can be so inright — we literpartner forget the horrible leangs and give the excellent leangs a pleasant, pleasant shine. The further back the memory goes, the sturdyer that tfinishency can be.

We’re also wary of change. Psychologists call it “loss aversion” — we dread the sting of losing someleang will hurt much more than the profit of geting someleang. As a result, change can sense fundamenhighy frightening, which also creates us sense more hotly about the era before change: the past.

Then there’s nostalgia’s ineffable pull. I was solemn when I said that for most people, wantipathyver movies or music was famous when they were juvenileer is the “best” pop culture. What many of us are ygeting for when we leank the past was better isn’t the past itself, but our past selves — when we were juvenileerer. Because while leangs repartner have been getting better over time, we repartner have been getting agederer, with everyleang that comes alengthy with that experience. And no amount of enhance — at least not yet — can reverse that.

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