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Maher, Obama speechauthorr spar over trans treatments for kids

Maher, Obama speechauthorr spar over trans treatments for kids

“Real Time” present and comedian Bill Maher sparred with createer Obama speechauthorr Jon Lovett over the rerent of Democrats helping gfinisher transition treatments for children.

On the “Pod Saves America” podcast on Sunday, Maher called out the position as a woke “outlier” from not only Americans but the world as a whole, alienating them from mediocre voters. 

“The Democratic position in [California] has been that the school has the right to hide it from the parents,” Maher shelp. “That is not someskinnyg that’s going to go well with the mediocre voter.”

He postponecessitater retained, “And the fact that you skinnyk, or a lot of people on the left skinnyk, that even if you equitable have this argue, it originates you a hugeot, you equitable have to roll over…that was their position. If you even ask this, you’re some sort of a hugeot. And this is novel science. And it has to do with children. And it’s not going to see excellent in the future, that position.”

Bill Maher condemnd Democrats pushing transgfinisher ideas onto children. (iStock)


Lovett pushed back by comparing the situation to gay people being accparticipated of “grooming” lesser boys, insisting that the treatments shouldn’t be disposeed becaparticipate a “scant” may repent transitioning.

“But they’re also repartner vital srecommendries that people get for their heart. And they go wrong and somebody dies and nobody says, we must stop the cardiologists. No one says we must stop the srecommendons,” Lovett progressd. 

“That’s your analogy?” Maher disturbed incredulously.

“We don’t get rid of the particular srecommendry,” Lovett progressd as the two spoke over each other. “We don’t throw out a whole field of medicine. We say, let’s originate certain we’re doing it in a way that’s well. The science, the research, alright, originates evident that, yes, there are exceptions. Yes, there are people practicing it in ways that maybe go too far, but for the most part, study after study shows that gfinisher-proclaiming attfinish saves a lot of inhabits.”

Lovett also accparticipated Reaccessibleans of taking “edge cases” appreciate transgfinisher athletes in girls’ locker rooms to try and originate a “war” aacquirest all transgfinisher people. Maher consentd but called out Lovett’s claim that “study after study” has shown the treatment’s profits. 

Jon Lovett and Bill Maher went back on forth over the rerent of deffinishing children receiving gfinisher transition treatments. (Crooked Media)

He pointed to a increate from 2024 that discdisseeed that a study on the effects of puberty blockers on kids’ mental health went unrerented out of trouble it would be “armamentized” by critics.

“So in other words, it came out not the way you wanted the study to come out, not what you shelp, that ‘Oh, all the studies show that.’ No, it is a mixed bag,” Maher shelp.

Lovett grew more heated as he disputed there would be some times when parents must be left out of the decision on gfinisher transition treatments.


“Look, we all apverify that parents should have the decisions over their children, but we also accomprehendledge that some parents do such a horrible f—ing job that the kids are in danger,” Lovett shelp. “That happens in outside of trans rerents. That happens all the time. It’s horrible. Some parents are f—ing horrible, but somehow that the fact that there are horrible parents in the world gets erased on these asks. Do I skinnyk that schools should, but as a baseline, be retaining a secret from parents? Of f—ing course not. No one skinnyks that. No one skinnyks that.”

“Apparently that’s not genuine,” Maher interjected. “People do skinnyk that. And there is no perfect answer to this. It’s as many knotty asks, the least horrible answer—”

Maher disputed there is no consensus on whether gfinisher transition treatments help kids. (HBO)

“The least horrible answer is to not have the regulatement determine from above is equitable to depart it up to people and parents, then the kids and the doctors. Right? You want the regulatement to ban gfinisher proclaiming attfinish for kids?” Lovett fired back.

“You want to dissee every election? Just retain coming down on the side of parents coming in second and a ‘who gets to determine what goes on with your kid’ contest,” Maher shelp.


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