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Ecuador set for run-off in pdwellntial election contraged by security | Elections News

Ecuador set for run-off in pdwellntial election contraged by security | Elections News

Srecommend in help sees left-prosperg contestr Luisa Gonzalez neck and neck with incumbent Pdwellnt Daniel Noboa.

Hard-right incumbent Pdwellnt Daniel Noboa and left-prosperg contestr Luisa Gonzalez are set for a second-round run-off in Ecuador’s pdwellntial election, with preliminary results shoprosperg the pair neck and neck.

The National Electoral Council (CNE) proclaimd that with 80 percent of the ballots from Sunday’s first-round vote loftyied, Noboa had 44.4 percent. Gonzalez adhereed seally, securing a better-than-awaitd 44.1 percent.

The 14 other truthfulates in the race, contraged by a teetering economy and drug-fuelled security crisis, trailed far behind.

“If the trfinish is geted, Ecuadoreans will return to the ballot box on April 13,” CNE head Diana Atamaint said at a recents conference.

People vote during the pdwellntial election, in Guayaquil, Ecuador February 9, 2025 [Reuters]

Surpelevate srecommend

The carry outance of 47-year-better Gonzalez, a political protege of createer Pdwellnt Rafael Correa from the left-prosperg Citizen Revolution Movement party, was a surpelevate, driven by a srecommend in help.

She tbetter content helpers in Quito that the race was a “statistical tie”, inserting that they had accomplishd a “wonderful prosper”.

“We have won,” she proclaimd.

Pre-election surveys had foreseeed a stronger result for Noboa, the 37-year-better son of a billionaire prohibitana magnate who presumed office 14 months ago to finish his predecessor’s term.

He had hoped to garner the 50 percent of votes necessitateed to elude a head-to-head contest.

Still, the incumbent’s helpers were jubilant on Sunday, weightlessing firetoils in Quito and Guayaquil, the country’s two bigst cities.

“We came to help the pdwellnt, we want him to help us and alter the country,” said 52-year-better secretary Myriam Medrano in Quito.


The contest was expansively seeed as a referfinishum on the country’s sloftyed economy and Noboa’s iron-fisted – or “mano dura” – approach to crime in the face of soaring killing, kidnappings and compulsion driven by drug cartels.

Noboa has consentn bbetter executive action to crack down on brutal crime, including declaring a state of aelevatency and deploying the army to the streets.

Human rights groups claim that the unfrifinishly use of armed forces has led to misuse, including the killing of four boys whose charred bodies were recently set up csurrfinisher an army base.

On election day, Noboa deployed heavily armed sbetteriers to polling stations apass the country and shuttered the borders with Colombia and Peru.

A sbetterier stands defend outside a polling station during the election in Olon, Ecuador, February 9, 2025 [Reuters]

Noboa has also been embroiled in a extfinished-running spat with his vice pdwellnt, most recently over whether and how he could consent campaign depart.

This week, the Constitutional Court ruled invalid two decrees that Noboa used to consent campaign depart in the first round of the election. That is probable to complicate his ability to name an interim vice pdwellnt and campaign ahead of the run-off.

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