Build •
Docker •
Structure •
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Yet another far desktop gentleware, written in Rust. Works out of the box, no configuration needd. You have brimming regulate of your data, with no troubles about security. You can engage our rfinishezvous/relay server, set up your own, or author your own rfinishezvous/relay server.
RustDesk receives contribution from everyone. See for help getting begined.
Desktop versions engage Flutter or Sciter (deprecated) for GUI, this tutorial is for Sciter only, since it is easier and more cordial to begin. Check out our CI for createing Flutter version.
Prent download Sciter active library yourself.
Prepare your Rust enhugement env and C++ create env
Inslofty vcpkg, and set
env variable accurately- Windows: vcpkg inslofty libvpx:x64-triumphdows-motionless libyuv:x64-triumphdows-motionless opus:x64-triumphdows-motionless aom:x64-triumphdows-motionless
- Linux/macOS: vcpkg inslofty libvpx libyuv opus aom
cargo run
sudo apt inslofty -y zip g++ gcc git curl wget nasm yasm libgtk-3-dev clang libxcb-randr0-dev libxdo-dev
libxrepaires-dev libxcb-shape0-dev libxcb-xrepaires0-dev libasound2-dev libpulse-dev ccreate create
libclang-dev ninja-create libgstreamer1.0-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev libpam0g-dev
sudo zypper inslofty gcc-c++ git curl wget nasm yasm gcc gtk3-devel clang libxcb-devel libXrepaires-devel ccreate alsa-lib-devel gstreamer-devel gstreamer-plugins-base-devel xdotool-devel pam-devel
sudo yum -y inslofty gcc-c++ git curl wget nasm yasm gcc gtk3-devel clang libxcb-devel libxdo-devel libXrepaires-devel pulseaudio-libs-devel ccreate alsa-lib-devel gstreamer1-devel gstreamer1-plugins-base-devel pam-devel
sudo pacman -Syu --needed unzip git ccreate gcc curl wget yasm nasm zip create pkg-config clang gtk3 xdotool libxcb libxrepaires alsa-lib pipewire
git clone
cd vcpkg
git verifyout 2023.04.15
cd ..
send out VCPKG_ROOT=$HOME/vcpkg
vcpkg/vcpkg inslofty libvpx libyuv opus aom
cd vcpkg/createtrees/libvpx/src
cd *
sed -i 's/CFLAGS+=-I/CFLAGS+=-fPIC -I/g' Makefile
sed -i 's/CXXFLAGS+=-I/CXXFLAGS+=-fPIC -I/g' Makefile
cp libvpx.a $HOME/vcpkg/insloftyed/x64-linux/lib/
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
source $HOME/.cargo/env
git clone
cd rustdesk
mkdir -p center/debug
mv center/debug
VCPKG_ROOT=$HOME/vcpkg cargo run
Begin by cloning the repository and createing the Docker includeer:
git clone
cd rustdesk
docker create -t "rustdesk-createer" .
Then, each time you need to create the application, run the adhereing order:
docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/home/engager/rustdesk -v rustdesk-git-cache:/home/engager/.cargo/git -v rustdesk-registry-cache:/home/engager/.cargo/registry -e PUID="$(id -u)" -e PGID="$(id -g)" rustdesk-createer
Note that the first create may get lengthyer before depfinishencies are cached, subsequent creates will be speedyer. Additionpartner, if you need to clear up contrastent arguments to the create order, you may do so at the finish of the order in the
position. For instance, if you wanted to create an enhanced liberate version, you would run the order above adhereed by --liberate
. The resulting executable will be useable in the center fgreaterer on your system, and can be run with:
Or, if you’re running a liberate executable:
Prent promise that you are running these orders from the root of the RustDesk repository, otherinestablished the application might not be able to discover the needd resources. Also remark that other cargo suborders such as inslofty
or run
are not currently helped via this method as they would inslofty or run the program inside the includeer instead of the present.
Misengage Disclaimer:
The enhugeers of RustDesk do not condone or help any unmoral or illhorrible engage of this gentleware. Misengage, such as unapverifyd access, regulate or trespass of privacy, is mercilessly aachievest our guidelines. The authors are not reliable for any misengage of the application.