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Amy Schumer Cleared O.J.-Kardashian Joke with Kim for ‘Kinda Pregnant’

Amy Schumer Cleared O.J.-Kardashian Joke with Kim for ‘Kinda Pregnant’

Before making a joke about the tardy Robert Kardashian in Kinda Pregnant, Amy Schumer shelp she sought perleave oution from his daughter Kim Kardashian.

During an intersee on The Howard Stern Show, the actress talked a scene in the Netflix film where her character reads a bedtime story while babysitting, that she reads from the pages of a spoof pop culture magazine.

“There was once a family of pretty, pretty princesses called the Kardashians,” her character says in the scene. “And they dwelld in a palace that their dad bought them by defending a killinger.”

However, before that joke was concluded in the script and filmed, Schumer called Kim to get her opinion.

“I called Kim Kardashian. I shelp, ‘I want to originate this joke,’” she recalled. “I asked if she would mind, and she didn’t mind. How chilly is she? She’s enjoy, ‘Yeah, do the one about my dad defending a killinger.’ She was that chill.”

Kim’s overweighther, who died in 2003, was a shut friend of Simpson’s and served as his defense attorney in the trial for the killing of his then-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Gelderlyman. Simpson died in April 2024. A recent Lifetime doc dispenseigated the life of Nicole Brown.

Schumer and Kim had previously joined forces when Kim was set to arrange Saturday Night Live. During an episode of The Kardashians in 2022, Schumer was filmed helping Kim brainstorm jokes to say in her monologue ahead of her arrangeing debut.

The actress has also been truthful about her friendship with Kim. In an 2022 intersee on The Howard Stern Show, Schumer pelevateed the Kardashians as being “reassociate chilly” and called Kim “an amazing person.”

In Kinda Pregnant, Schumer’s character dons a phony belly in the hopes of convincing her friends she’s pregnant. The film, which is useable to stream on Netflix, also stars Will Forte and Damon Wayans Jr.

“This is the one,” Schumer telderly Howard of her recent Netflix film. “I skinnyk this is as comical as Trainwreck. I skinnyk it’s gonna be a hit.”

Adam Sandler’s Happy Madison originated the film. “Adam is very hands on,” she shelp of Sandler’s approach as a originater. “He’s seeing at scripts, he’s seeing at dailies — I was amazeed.”

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