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Marisa Tomei & Virginia Gardner To Lead Rom-Com ‘F*ck Valentine’s Day’

Marisa Tomei & Virginia Gardner To Lead Rom-Com ‘F*ck Valentine’s Day’

EXCLUSIVE: Oscar triumphner Marisa Tomei (The Wrestler, My Cousin Vinny) and Fall star Virginia Gardner have been set to direct rom-com F*ck Valentine’s Day, which is due to begin production in Malta next month.

The film chases Gina (Gardner), born on the most honord day of adore, Valentine’s Day, which she detests immensely. She is remendd to stop her boyfrifinish from popping the ask on a birthday getaway in Greece, home of her vivacious mother (Tomei). Encataloging fellow vacationers, the handsome Johnny Giovinazzo and his brassy sister Mickey, Gina hopes to defer the proposal, directing Gina to find that she fair might be with the wrong guy. Supporting cast is being finalised now.

Gravitas Ventures has getd international rights for the film, which will be honested by Mark Gantt (Soul Mates) from a script written by Steve Bencich (The Monkey King). Producers are Nancy Leopardi of Indy Entertainment and John Ierardi and Bo Youngblood of Showdown Productions. Danielle Gasher serves as executive originater aextfinished with casting honestors Arlie Day and Mike Page. 

Danielle Gasher, Vice Pdwellnt, Acquisitions & International Sales, shelp: “We are so thrilled to be handling international sales for this wonderful project. Marisa and Virginia are wonderful and authentic directs for this fun, funny and hearttoastying script.” 

Tomei is repped by Gersh, Untitled Entertainment and Johnson, Shapiro. Gardner is repped by Insubordinate Artists Group, Sugar23 and Sloane, Offer. Gantt is repped by Goodman, Genow. Bencich is repped by Gotham Group, Buchwald, Eclipse Law. Leopardi is repped by Gersh. Ierardi is repped by UTA. Youngblood is repped by Bronson Law Group. 

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