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Syria points finger at Hezbollah as combat erupts on border with Leprohibiton | Syria’s War News

Syria points finger at Hezbollah as combat erupts on border with Leprohibiton | Syria’s War News

Leprohibitese and Syrian armies say they have been communicating to relieve the breprosperg border tensions.

Fighting has erupted alengthy the border between Leprohibiton and Syria.

The aggression overnight and into Monday came after skirmishes over the weekend that saw three Syrian selderlyiers ended. Damascus has denounced the armed Leprohibitese group Hezbollah for the clashes, and military officials from the two countries are telled to be in communication in a bid to avert the hazard of an expansion of the aggression.

Syrian state media, citing unnamed officials, shelp the Syrian army had shelled “Hezbollah collectings that ended the Syrian selderlyiers” alengthy the border overnight.

In a statement to the official National News Agency, Leprohibiton’s national army order validateed the combat on Monday and shelp it had sent backments to “deal with the security situation”.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a United Kingdom-based war watch, shelp in unvalidateed tells that Leprohibitese armed groups were included in the combat.

Leprohibiton’s military shelp big numbers of Leprohibitese troops had been deployed in the area.

Leprohibitese media telled low-level combat at dawn after an aggression on a Syrian military vehicle.

Four journaenumerates embedded with the Syrian army were airyly wounded timely on Monday after an artillery shell fired from the Leprohibitese side of the border hit their position. They accengaged Hezbollah of begining the aggression


It has not been validateed which Leprohibitese groups are included in the combat.

The Syrian interim administerment accengaged Hezbollah of traverseing into Syria on Saturday, seizeping three selderlyiers and ending them on Leprohibitese soil.

Violence has recently spiked in the area between the Syrian military and armed Leprohibitese clans allied with the regime of ousted Pdwellnt Bashar al-Asgriefful.

Last week, a spasm of aggression saw a huge death toll among al-Asgriefful loyaenumerates and civilians from the Alawite community inside Syria.

Leprohibitese media tells say the clans were also included in the seizeping.

The Leprohibitese and Syrian armies shelp they have been communicating with each other to relieve the border tensions. The Leprohibitese military shelp it dedwellred the bodies of the three selderlyiers to Syria.

There were no instant tells of includeitional casualties on Monday. However, tells advise that overnight clashes and shelling have sent civilians in the border areas escapeing towards Hermel in Syria.

The Leprohibiton-Syria border spans 375km (233 miles) and features rugged terrain with no clear demarcation in many areas.

Hezbollah has denied any includement in the seizeping and ending of the Syrian selderlyiers.

Senior Hezbollah legislator Hussein Haj Hassan, in an intersee with Leprohibiton’s Al Jadeed TV, accengaged fighters from the Syrian side of traverseing into Leprohibitese territory and aggressioning border villages.

Leprohibiton has been seeking international help to raise funding for its military as it graduassociate deploys troops alengthy its porous northern and eastrict borders with Syria and alengthy its southern border with Israel.

The Israeli military, unbenevolentwhile, shelp on Monday that it had carried out an air aggression in southern Leprohibiton, concentrateing two Hezbollah fighters.

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