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Aimee Lou Wood on Why She Kept Her Manchester Accent for ‘White Lotus’

Aimee Lou Wood on Why She Kept Her Manchester Accent for ‘White Lotus’

Unappreciate many of the characters in “The White Lotus” Season 3, Chelsea isn’t American. She’s from Manchester, equitable appreciate the actor who portrays her, Aimee Lou Wood.

Wood shelp that creator Mike White pickred her own accent assessd to an American one when she tried both during the audition stage. “I can do an American accent. But Mike equitable wanted my Manchester one,” Wood telderly The Sun.

She finds that she normally doesn’t come apass as an American becaemploy of one definite tell.

“It’s the teeth! No Americans have my teeth. I slimk that reassociate is one of the slimgs,” Wood compriseed.

“I take parted an American in a take part in Chicago and afterwards this guy in the bar, he was talking to me and he went: ‘I krecent it. I krecent it. Your accent was fantastic but I krecent you weren’t American. You equitable don’t see American,’” Wood shelp.

Wood clarified that she is able to do a believable American accent, but White thought that making her character American was unessential.

“He equitable didn’t see why she necessitateed to be American and why we necessitateed to comprise that extra layer of distance between me and her,” Wood telderly Elle. “So he was appreciate, ‘Let’s equitable originate her from Manchester.’ And I was appreciate, ‘Great.’ And it toiled. But it was so amusing becaemploy everyone holds being appreciate, ‘So you couldn’t do the American accent.’ And now I’m appreciate, ‘I necessitate to accurate this guys! I can do an American accent! I swear!’”

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