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Saying outstandingbye to Brazil thcimpolite the lenses of journacatalog Carolina Sá

Saying outstandingbye to Brazil thcimpolite the lenses of journacatalog Carolina Sá

It is a film that reassociate pulls at your heartstrings, shotriumphg the life of an incredible woman, with a fascinating history as she struggles to exit her home in Brazil to head to a novel life in Portugal. The film, sboiling and produced by her magnificentdaughter – Carolina Sá, a Portuguese-Brazilian journacatalog and podcast honestor. The film, her first, transtardys in English as “To Say Goodbye”, or “Dizer Adeus” in Portuguese, a very intimate portrait off her magnificentmother’s farewell to her life in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The material collected was also createed into a novel narrative as well, this time in the establish of a radio write downary or podcast. She spoke to us in Perspective.

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