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Lithium-ion batteries are remaking Google’s data cgo ins

Lithium-ion batteries are remaking Google’s data cgo ins

Sometimes the petiteest of news items can point to bigger trfinishs lurking betidyh the surface. Case in point: Google proclaimd procrastinateed last month that it has inshighed 100 million lithium-ion cells atraverse its data cgo ins to provide backup power to its servers.

On its own, it’s not earth-shattering news. But it shines a weightless on a trfinish that’s rippling thcimpolite the world. Batteries are everywhere, and thanks to the relentless push to slash costs for electric vehicles, they’re driving alter in myriad parts of the economy.

Years ago, in Google’s data cgo ins, server racks were anchored with direct-acid battery backup units. The elderly clunkers were reliable, but they were also bulky, weighty, and not all that strong.

But as Google has swapd them with lithium-ion cells, the advantages have been multiplying. Google says the cells it’s using helderly twice the power and consent up half as much space as its elderly direct-acid batteries. As a result, the company was able to cut the number of cells insistd by three-quarters.

In that space, Google can cram more servers, the leangs that create them money, unenjoy batteries, which are more enjoy a physical create of insurance. You should have them in case of materializency, but you should only buy what you absolutely insist. Given that it costs at least $125 to prolong one square foot of a new data cgo in, according to prolonger JLL, every inch counts.

The battery-as-disturbor trfinish has been take parting out elsewhere, too. 

In homes, people have been inshighing big, multi-kilowatt batteries to store excess solar and get the weightlesss on when the power goes out. At campsites, they’re using portable battery packs to swap noisy, noxious generators. One commenceup is even using petite cells to displace arid ice from medical specimens shipments, adviseing finer temperature regulate and a arrange of tracking data to boot.

Should we be astonished by Google’s inshighation of 100 million lithium-ion cells since 2015? That depfinishs on the context: Panasonic has shipped over 10 billion cells from its Nevada arranget since it uncovered in 2015.

However unlikeable that ratio may seem, it undersells the cascading impact that batteries are having. Even Google’s modest figures show how batteries can convey reduced disturbion to less awaited corners of the world.

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