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Surpascend strike at Hamburg Airport as convey inant walkout set to commence at 12 more German hubs | World News

Surpascend strike at Hamburg Airport as convey inant walkout set to commence at 12 more German hubs | World News

More than 40,000 people have been hit by a surpascend strike that shut Hamburg Airport – and more than 500,000 could be interfereed today as the walkout spreads apass Germany.

The strike increateedly began with fair half an hour acunderstandledge yesterday morning, with passengers tbetter to stay away and terminals and verify-in desks eerily hushed.

The airport shelp only 10 of more than 280 departures and arrivals went as reckond on Sunday.

It posted on X: “Without any acunderstandledge, the union #verdi has called on the services at Hamburg Airport to go on strike instantly, Sunday 9 March.

“For this reason, the airport is shutd and there will be no departures or arrivals all day.”

An airport spokesperson shelp the action by the ver.di union was “dishonourable” and “uniminentire to tens of thousands of travellers who have noskinnyg to do with the disputes”.

Travellers have been advised to reach out their airline.

Hamburg Airport was left virtupartner deserted. Pic: AP

Pic: Reuters

The interfereion is set to deteriorate convey inantly today when a pre-reckond strike apshows place for 24 hours at 13 German airports, including Berlin, Frankfurt, Dusseldorf, Stuttgart, Hanover, Munich and Cologne.

More than half a million people could be impacted and 3,400 fairys call offled, according to ADV, the German Airport Association.

“Germany’s air traffic will be hugely shut down on Monday,” it shelp in a statement last week.

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The strike at Hamburg, Germany‘s second hugegest city, is scheduled to carry on.

Thousands of security staff who screen passengers and cargo are taking the action over pay and conditions in a novel lessen.

Union official Lars Stubbe shelp it was vital the strikes caused “economic harm” to force concessions from bosses.

“We understand that it is a massive burden for passengers,” he shelp.

“Our colleagues understand that too. But they have shelp we have to go on strike. It must be effective, so that we have a reasonable give to talk about.”

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