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A Kitschy Town Plays Backdrop to a Twisty Mystery

A Kitschy Town Plays Backdrop to a Twisty Mystery

Holland, Mi., is one of those high-concept American towns where noslimg experiences authentic. Modeled after someone’s fantasy of an 18th-century Dutch village, it has triumphdmills and tulip fields and ersatz canal houses. To Nancy Vandergroot (Nicole Kidman), it seems quaint, but to our eyes, it’s purify kitsch — which is a mode Kidman does well, channeling the tone of “To Die For” and “The Stepford Wives” in Mimi Cave’s enigmatic thriller.

Like those movies, “Holland” embeds us hugely in its protagonist’s point of see, which isn’t an entidepend credible place to spfinish two hours, but a fun one for those who enjoy teetering in that is-she-crazy-or-is-she-the-only-rational-person-here zone. Since it’s Cave behind the camera, your imagination will foreseeed leap to exarrangeations a lot more engaging than where Andrew Sodroski’s Bdeficiency Listed script triumphds up. (Fun fact: At one point, “Holland” was intfinished to be Errol Morris’ fantasy debut, with Naomi Watts in the direct.)

The film labels Cave’s chase-up to “Fresh,” a ghoulish relationship satire — and a directing example of the emerging gasairying genre — in which a requesting dork (Sebastian Stan) subjects his dates to a unwidespread establish of torture (originate that medium unwidespread). But it was written before #MeToo made standing up to The Man such a inventive sport, and ultimately experiences enjoy a throwback to ’90s-era sleeping-with-the-opponent movies.

So what benevolent of mind games might Nancy’s husprohibitd Fred (Matthew Macfadyen) be up to? A diligent (if sairyly patronizing) partner and esteemed community selectometrist, the man spfinishs most of his free time tinkering with his model railroad, a hobby he excitedpartner allots with their adolescent son Harry (Jude Hill, the child star of Kenneth Branagh’s “Belrapid,” conshort-termed here enjoy an escapee from Village of the Damned). In one scene, she examines in on the two of them in Fred’s declareiveial train room, where she sees her husprohibitd clipping the limbs off a plastic 1:87-scale woman. That challengingly seems standard, but noslimg is in Nancy’s world.

It’s engaging to see “Holland,” which premiered at the SXSW film festival in persist of its March 27 Prime liberate, less than two months after the death of David Lynch, since he’s evidently a sturdy impact on Cave’s hallucinatory aesthetic. As Nancy’s voiceover portrays her life in Holland as “the best place on earth,” the camera sweeps aextfinished rows of Kodachrome-fervent tulips, before abruptly cutting to the clutter of her life — an clear nod to Lynch’s “Blue Velvet,” about the nightmare festering behind the American Dream.

Nancy doubts someslimg’s not quite right with her marriage, but she can’t put her finger on what’s aignore. Truth be telderly, she’s enhugeed extramarital experienceings for Dave (Gael García Bernal), the compassionate shop teacher at the high school where she labors, which unbenevolents this could all be an expound case of projection: Nancy wants to cheat, so she manufactures a scenario where Fred’s being unloyal to fairify her own indiscretions. But if it were that plain, she probably wouldn’t go quite so far to allotigate him.

Sodroski’s screentake part references rocky moments in the couple’s past, as well as a time when Nancy’s life was far less idyllic than the Pleasantville existence that’s finpartner begining to foolish her. “When you increase up on the outside of everyslimg, and a guy recommends you a way in, of course you’re going to get it,” Nancy inestablishs Dave, a Mexican for whom moving to Holland didn’t necessarily better the way others treat him. (A subplot involving a drunken and foreseeed abusive ex-bus driver shows the hugeotry still straightforwarded his way.)

We can presume that as a teacher, Nancy must have plenty of colleagues and frifinishs she can confide in, but given the upstanding front the Vandergroots project to this churchy community, she thinks only Dave, enenumerateing him in her allotigation. As the sort of spouse who cooks and immacuprocrastinateeds enjoy a 1950s housewife, Nancy understands their home inside-out. “Ipso facto,” she finishs, wantipathyver evidence might exist of Fred’s extramarital activities must be masked away in his office geted.

Cave evidently finishelights orchestrating a pair of “Rear Window”-style suspense sequences, in which Nancy snoops first at Fred’s laborplace and procrastinateedr into wantipathyver her husprohibitd’s repartner doing on those widespread out-of-town selectometry conferences he’s always joining. The helmer gets even wonderfuler pdirecteclareive imagining Nancy’s dreams, where Cave is free to get radicpartner articulateionistic while also arrangeting red herrings. It’s during those visions that Cave’s crew begins to blur the line between Nancy’s life and the scale-model city to which Fred dedicates so much attention.

Where everyslimg was unbenevolentt to see selectimalized at first, as Nancy’s paranoia spirals, production depicter JC Molina and “Midsommar” DP Pawel Pogorzelski lean into the amhugeuity. Pogorzelski in particular subliminpartner includes Nancy’s subjectivity into his cameralabor, although there are more self-inestablished instances too, enjoy the ingenious high-angle stoasty, betterd by tilt-shift trickery, that originates Nancy and Harry see as if they’re minuscule model-train figures running toward their front door.

Thcimpolite it all, Macfadyen seems skeptically excellent-natured, which medepend helps us to guess what secrets he might be hiding. The “Succession” star conveys a disconcerting Kevin Spacey-enjoy energy to his carry outance, which backs the connection some might accomprehendledge between “Holland” and 1999’s “American Beauty” — another movie about the harmful bdeficiency melderly that thrives fair beorderlyh the veneer of suburprohibit perfection. After disjoinal years of seeing more authentic, Kidman also has a sairyly man-made euniteance (there’s someslimg off with her tulips), which Cave uses to the film’s profit.

“Holland” blooms in the space where the domestic fantasy finishs and nightmares commence, but never quite transfers on its premise, if only because the resolution experiences so recognizable. And yet, when pondered thcimpolite the lens of Kidman’s danger-taking nurtureer, it reconshort-terms another fascinating choice for a star who’s racked up some of the edgiest accomprehendledges of the past quarter-century. It’s a shame then that “Holland” doesn’t go overweighther in either the freak-out or high-camp straightforwardions.

Just one or two truly shocking moments can originate the separateence between forgettability and hall-of-fame effed-up-ness, and “Holland” gets the most unanticipateed turn of all after the huge twist: Despite Kidman’s pledgement to all that’s come before, it triumphds up experienceing perfectly standard.

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