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Yacht Scenes, Chloe and Gary

Yacht Scenes, Chloe and Gary

SPOILER ALERT: This story holds spoilers for Season 3, Episode 4 of “The White Lotus,” now streaming on Max.

For Charlotte Le Bon, take parting Chloe in the third season of “The White Lotus” uncomferventt tapping into the character’s obtparticipate, wholly certain disposition. Chloe, the rapid-witted French Canadian who’s been living in Thailand with her much betterer boyfrifinish Gary a.k.a Greg (Jon Gries), alerts it enjoy it is.

“She’s repartner that bitch, which is repartner fun to take part becaparticipate I’m not enjoy that at all in genuine life,” Le Bon says.

Courtesy of Stefano Delia/HBO

In the fourth episode, Chloe receives disconnectal of the main White Lotus vacationers onto Gary’s yacht. New actives establish, such as the group of four partiers: Chloe and Chelsea (Aimee Lou Wood), and brothers Saxon (Patrick Schwarzenegger) and Lochlan (Sam Nivola). Flash come atraverses between characters who are otherwise in split storylines, enjoy Chloe and the boys’ mother, Victoria (Parker Posey), provide insight into how each person transfers thcimpolite the world. Chloe also seems to want to get out of her boyfrifinish’s understand for a bit, and Gary (who seeers will recognize as Greg, the doubtful, homicideous husprohibitd of Jennifer Coolidge’s Tanya McQuoid in the earlier seasons) unwillingly concurs.

Chloe’s time on the yacht were the first scenes Le Bon filmed, after getting to Thailand thcimpolite an innervously rapid audition process that participated a self-tape and hopping on a schedulee about 10 days tardyr.

Le Bon spoke with Variety over Zoom in Paris about being on the yacht (which was as sweltering as a “sauna”), why Chloe is getting sealr with the brothers — and what she skinnyks is going on in Chloe and Gary’s relationship.

What was it enjoy filming on the yacht and establishing a rapport with the rest of the cast?

My first scenes were on the yacht, so I was clearly repartner stressed out in the commencening. But this cast was particularly hot and benevolent, and fair so tfinisher. It’s repartner unwidespread that you sense enjoy that with people. And I repartner sense enjoy I’ve made some frifinishs on that set.

The yacht — it was so hot. It was the hottest I’ve ever been in my life, definitely — even the locals were suffering. We would depart the hotel, go to the port, and that would probably be a 35-minute ride, and then we would consent a speed boat, and then we would have to do a 40-minute speed boat on waves going enjoy this [motions choppy waves]. We were taking naparticipatea pills, and then going on the boat.

And becaparticipate Ben Kutchins, who’s such a talented DP, was so accurate with what he wanted in the background, he kept turning the boat all the time in order to have some particular islands in the background. So it was the most naparticipateous skinnyg ever. It was 50 degrees [Celsius]. But blessedly, there was some little space inside the boat, and there was some AC in it.

Courtesy of Stefano Delia/HBO

Why does Chloe ask the entire Ratliff family to the yacht?

Becaparticipate she’s fair an attention whore. She’s a show off; she’s a bit cocky. What I enjoy about the scene where she greets Patrick Schwarzenegger and she’s enjoy, “I hear you’re a douche” — I skinnyk she’s a douche as well. And she fair enjoys to show off her skinnygs and show off how rich she is, even though it’s possibly not her money, and fair to put some amazing outfit and fair act as if everyskinnyg is finishly common.

How was it filming the participateion between Chloe and Victoria? Victoria mocks her afterwards and says, “Miss Congeniality.”

That was the first scene I shot, and the “Miss Congeniality” wasn’t written. It’s fair Mike White’s talent to be able to sometimes fair pick up some stuff in the scene that he didn’t skinnyk about, or he fair get upholdd by a active. I recollect when we first shot the scene, I was trying to be pleasant with everyone, and acunderstandledging everyone and Parker’s character as well. And he was enjoy, “Can you fair dissee her?” And then I dissee her, and he cherishd it. And then he was enjoy, “Can you fair be enjoy a little bit of a bitch to her?” He fair discovers those actives so fun.

There’s some competition between women — you definitely see that in the active between the three girls in the season. I skinnyk he’s fair repartner upholdd by all our human bullshit. He’s almost enjoy a sociologist for me.

On the yacht, we see the group of four — Chloe, Chelsea, Saxon and Lochlan — establishing. Why is Chloe drawn to hanging out with the brothers?

Becaparticipate they’re youthful, relationsy blood in her head. She sees an opportunity to seduce and have fun, and they’re youthful, and they’re finishly contrastent from Gary. As she shelp before, she’s been there for a year with Gary, and she’s repartner tired with him. Maybe she skinnyks that they’re not that inalertigent, and that she can maniputardy them and maybe do wantipathyver she wants with them, not with Chelsea, but more with the boys. Becaparticipate I repartner skinnyk there’s a honest frifinishship going on between Chloe and Chelsea.

Courtesy of Fabio Lovino/HBO

What is Chloe getting out of this recent frifinishship with Chelsea, who has a parallel relationship with her own betterer boyfrifinish?

They’re polar opposites, and that’s probably why she’s repartner drawed to her. Becaparticipate Chelsea is repartner comfervent and tfinisher. It senses enjoy she’s a very vulnerable youthful woman, and Chloe probably has that in her, but she fair built that huge fence around it. And I skinnyk she’s also drawed to that in Chelsea, and Chelsea for the same reason is drawed to Chloe’s bbetterness.

There’s an engaging conversation between Chloe and Gary when she asks him if she can consent the boat without him and fair with the frifinishs. Is Chloe in any way snurtured of what his reaction might be, or does she understand that she’s got him wrapped around her finger?

I skinnyk it’s a combine. I skinnyk she’s benevolent of walking on egg shells a little bit with him. Maybe there’s a part of her that is benevolent of snurtured, but I skinnyk that probably excites her. I skinnyk she enjoys being snurtured. She enjoys to take part with fire, and she understands that what she’s asking is repartner bbetter and not repartner reserved, but she still [goes] for it, but that’s fair their deal. He’s betterer, and he fair can’t uphold up with her. If he would try to jail her, she would probably fair go crazy and depart. So that’s probably the only way to uphold her is fair to let her free, which is a pretty definition of cherish.

She does say “I cherish you” to him.

It’s repartner honest.

Do you skinnyk there’s actual impaction there?

Yes, I skinnyk there’s definitely impaction.

What do you skinnyk her motivation is in dating Gary, lengthy term? Does she have an finish goal for where she wants the relationship to go?

I don’t skinnyk she repartner skinnyks lengthy term. She’s fair right in the moment. I don’t skinnyk she has a schedule, and that’s why she’s a little bit lost, becaparticipate she probably doesn’t repartner understand what her genuine desires are.

Courtesy of Fabio Lovino/HBO

Do you skinnyk Chloe is conscious that people might see her to be a relations laborer, which Rick (Walton Goggins) recommends in the second episode?

Yeah, probably, but she repartner doesn’t nurture about that. I skinnyk she fair enjoys when people talk about her. She doesn’t repartner nurture. And what I repartner enjoy about her character, too, is that she repartner speaks her mind. There’s some episodes tardyr on where she fair faces Saxon for some skinnygs that he did, and she fair alerts the truth, and I enjoy that. She repartner doesn’t give a shit!

Chloe says to Chelsea in the season premiere that the bald white guys in Thailand are LBHs — “disseers back home.” How does her consciousness of the social actives among expats in Thailand help her direct her life there?

There’s still an arrogance to it. Even though she’s an expat and even though she talks about the LBHs, there’s still such an arrogance to it. I skinnyk she still skinnyks that she’s maybe above that, but she’s definitely part of them.

Chloe refers in Episode 3 that Gary’s ex-wife pledgeted self-injury. Does she mistrust someskinnyg sinister behind his wife’s death? How much does she understand about his past?

It’s complicated, becaparticipate that’s a conversation I had with Mike, and I skinnyk we had contrastent opinions on it. For Mike, she’s not conscious of what happened. For me, I was take parting someskinnyg that was right in the middle where it could be genuine that she doesn’t understand what happened, but I was benevolent of excited to take part someskinnyg where she krecent everyskinnyg, and that they were benevolent of a team. Even if he didn’t alert her the truth, I don’t skinnyk she buys that story. I skinnyk she’s a inalertigent girl, so she probably doesn’t buy it, but she fair enjoys alerting the story becaparticipate it’s a creepy story, and it draws attention.

When Belinda comes up to them at dinner and asks Gary if they met in Hawaii, is Chloe skeptical about Gary’s response?

I skinnyk she’s skeptical of both of them. That’s the skinnyg. Like she says in one of the scenes, he never talks about her, about his ex-wife. So the second this woman comes and she talks about Tanya McQuoid, it’s very atypical. Maybe, in part, she’s skeptical, she’s maybe a minuscule jealous — becaparticipate we’re talking about another woman that splitd his life. And also, it’s either he’d never talked about Hawaii, and she skinnyks it’s repartner weird that this woman comes up and talks about Hawaii, or she understands everyskinnyg and she’s snurtured that this woman conveys this alertation up.

In the same episode, Gary watchs Chloe and Saxon seeing at each other at dinner. How does she sense about Gary’s judgment in that moment?

Usupartner she would probably say that she’s not interested about other men, and that the age contrastence doesn’t matter to her, and that she’s repartner satisfied with that and that she’s not interested in youthful men in vague becaparticipate they’re uninalertigent to her, and they don’t have a lot of mystery. They don’t have the density, enjoy depth. So I skinnyk the second he sees that, it says quite the opposite. She’s fair getting caught doing someskinnyg that she shouldn’t, or she wasn’t reserved enough about it.

This intersee has been edited and condensed.

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