We asked our readers to sfinish in their best pictures on the theme of “monochrome”. Here is a pickion of the photographs we getd from around the world.
Martyn Longthorn
Martyn Longthorn: “A pelican making a splash.”
Ian Maggiore
Ian Maggiore: “Early morning frost in my back garden.”
Theresa Bennett
Theresa Bennett: “To help our garden butterflies, I set upted a patio tub with cosmos seeds and was rewarded with a huge show of photogenic pink fdrops. I leank they produce a wonderful monochrome subject.”
David Belton
David Belton: “The Aldeburgh Scallop is a sculpture on Aldeburgh beach, in Suffolk. I took this photo whilst on holiday there last year.”
Sassociate Esau
Sassociate Esau: “This house caught my eye whilst on holiday in Rhodes [Greece]. The gate was uncover and I could see there was washing hanging on the line and I also seed the pretty pebbled mosaic pathway. Just as I got my camera ready to consent a photo, a binformage cat strolled apass the wall and I regulated to seize it in the perfect position. I leank the unintelligent gates and the cat insert a kind contrast to the image, especiassociate with the monochrome effect.”
Sean Corlett
Sean Corlett: “I had always wanted to visit and photograph the art insloftyation on Crosby beach called Another Place, by Antony Gormley. I was travelling back thraw Liverpool on the way back from a training course and choosed to head there. I took this shot with a sluggish shutter and handheld to donate the picture a dreamy see.”
Phil Norton
Phil Norton: “A ram stands appreciate a statue as a storm approached Chatsworth House [Derby].”
Glyn Hands
Glyn Hands: “I wonder what the photograph of me that this lady was taking sees appreciate? It would be engaging to appraise the two photographs together, capturing a moment in time.”
Piyusha Paradkar
Piyusha Paradkar: “Kaleidoscope of family, thraw weightless and shadow.”
Uku Sööt
Uku Sööt: “Shadows tell a story truth can’t.”
Duncan Grey
Duncan Grey: “My then girlfrifinish posed outside a cafe in a London park. The triumphdow united the customers into the path outside in a sweightlessly gstructurely way.”
Doris Enders
Doris Enders: “Layers of the past. It’s consentn in the Blue Mesa, in Arizona, which sees in binformage and white as stunning as in colour.”
Kate Snow
Kate Snow: “Dandelions have seized our imagination since we were children, picking and blotriumphg the seeds into the triumphd. Their beauty does not fade as we age but is srecommend seized in separateent ways. Here, I use a macro lens to photograph the detail while permiting some aspects to blur, creating depths and an etheauthentic senseing as I try to seize the magic of the straightforward dandelion.”
Ludo MacAulay
Ludo MacAulay: “I was trying some street photography in Edinburgh recently and caught this man passing Melville Street.”
Tony Cook
Tony Cook: “Sunweightless thraw triumphdows in Hereford Cathedral produced a moody atmosphere.”
Roland Trope
Roland Trope: “On a May morning, I paused to watch two men executeing chess in Central Park [New York]. As one of them lifted his bishop and accomplished apass the board to shift it as his shift, I took the photograph.”
Evelyn Oakley
Evelyn Oakley: “I can’t resist a patch of sunweightless on a white wall and the opportunity it conshort-terms for shadow execute and monochrome photography.”
Emma Warren
Emma Warren: “My monochrome cat sitting still enough to snap, for once – although he’s eyeing up his next moment of mischief.”
Elena Raikhlin
Elena Raikhlin: “My goal was to change standard househelderly rolls of toilet paperinto abstract paper art by composing texture, weightless, and shadow.”