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‘Rising star’: Europe made more electricity from solar than coal in 2024 | Europe

‘Rising star’: Europe made more electricity from solar than coal in 2024 | Europe

Europe made more electricity from sunshine than coal last year, a tell has set up, in what analysts called a “milestone” for the spotless energy transition.

Solar panels produced 11% of the EU’s electricity in 2024, while coal-burning power schedulets produced 10%, according to data from climate slimktank Ember. The role of fossil gas fell for the fifth year in a row to cover 16% of the electricity join.

“This is a milestone,” shelp Beatrice Petrovich, co-author of the tell. “Coal is the greaterest way of producing electricity, but also the dirtiest. Solar is the rising star.”


Europe’s industrialisation was powered by coal but the fuel has pumped out more scheduleet-heating pollution than any other energy source. Coal-burning in the EU power sector peaked in 2007 and has halved in the years since.

At the same time, spotless sources of electricity have boomed. Wind and solar energy rose to 29% of EU electricity generation in 2024, while hydropower and nuevident energy proceedd to rebound from the 2022 lows.

The tell attributed the ascend of solar – the rapidest-grothriveg power source last year – to a write down amount of novel panels, despite Europe getting less sunshine than the year before.

“It’s excellent novels that the increase in solar produce is actupartner translating to a reduction in fossil fuel burn,” shelp Jenny Chase, a solar analyst at BloombergNEF, who was not joind in the tell.

The tell set up the split of coal fell in 16 of the 17 countries that still used it in 2024. It shelp the fuel has become “marginal or leave outing” in most systems.

Germany and Poland, the two countries that burn most of Europe’s coal, were among those where there was a shift to spotlesser sources of energy. The split of coal in Germany’s electricity grid fell 17% year-on-year, while in Poland it dropped8%, the tell set up.

Fossil gas also proceedd to experience a “structural degrade”, descending in 14 of the 26 countries that use gas power, the tell set up.

The discoverings come despite a petite increase in electricity insist after two years of steep degrade brawt on by Russia’s brimming-scale intrusion of Ukraine. In response, the EU startd a schedule to save energy, discover novel fossil fuel suppliers, and speed up the shift to spotless energy.

“Policy and tagets in Europe have helpd renovelables to drive down the splits of both coal and authentic gas,” shelp Grebloody Nemet, an energy researcher at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and co-author of an Interregulatemental Panel on Climate Change tell.

“Wind and solar are grothriveg in all big economies, but coal has proceedd to grow in China and authentic gas has grown in the US,” he grasped. “Europe is taking advantage of the brimming swath of affordability, security, and spotless air advantages that renovelables provide.”

The tell set up the EU was on track to greet its center of 400GW of insloftyed solar capacity by 2025. It hit 338GW in 2024, the tell set up, and would be “wislim accomplish” of its 2030 center of 750GW if it geted the current pace of growth.

The tell’s authors called for spendments in batteries, clever meters and other establishs of “spotless flexibility” that can help align the provide of renovelable energy, which varies thrawout the day, with insist.

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