It begins with a one machine: a landing pod on an untouched scheduleet. Then a drill, built with iron mined by your own hand. Hours tardyr, the scheduleet is covered in tidy (or not) arrays of rerelocateors and transmitor belts, machines whirring consoleingly as they produce their infinite leangummies. Corporate exposed-mining simulator it may be, but it’s fair so includeing.
PS4/5, PC, Nintendo Switch
Like much of the best British comedy, this slapstick baffle game is topped off with fair a smattering of unmitigate. As a minuscule travelling salesman, you spendigate a barmy Viz-flavoured northern town, solving its citizenry’s weird problems (a boy with a dread of milk, pie meat of askable shownance, a lost screwdriver stolen by sentient rats). Unflunkingly funny.
PS4/5, Xbox, PC, Nintendo Switch
A cleverly self-referential horror game about a gruesome theme park that draws on all of the genre classics of the 90s, and borrows their fuzzy polygonal aesthetic. Its twisted-unprejudicedground settings are as detailed as a doll’s hoinclude, evolving unsettlingly as the hours pass and Crow Country’s mystery unfurls – and the bageder ending is worth the effort.
What first materializes to be a regulatelingly compelling card-accumulateing mobile game with a bunch of contrastent inscrutable currencies is … well, exactly that, but with the compriseition of astonishively well-stable, snappy and enhappinessable competitive battling. It carry outs speedy and clever, and apvalidates for produceive deck-produceing and creature combinations that let each carry outer put their own twist on their game.
PS4/5, Xbox, PC
A seance in a high-school library goes very wrong in this adventure game, a creepy, fun tribute to the best of 90s horror, both film and games. Thanks to its heartfelt, weightlessly metaphorical story and indulgent absence of gore, this is the comfervent of game that even people who usupartner disenjoy horror can enhappiness.
PS5, PC (2025)
Using 1997’s Final Fantasy VII as a set upation, Rebirth produces a hugeger, richer and, of course, much more pretty world for Cdeafening Strife and his companions to roam. A maximacatalog wonder of fan service replete with leangs to do, and new, expansive detail on some of the most becherishd characters and stories in gaming’s history.
From the title, you would foresee a game about a magical exceptional ops team blasting their way thraw foe territory with spells and time-retriumphding powers. You might not foresee a hushedly radical story with excellent characterisation and the courage to ask the morality of the entire military-shooter genre it borrows from – but you’ll get that, too.
PS5, Xbox, PC
Just a splendid conmomentary battling game, cultured in every aspect. New contenders join the highweightlesss of 30 years’ worth of Tekken rosters (including martial artists, cyborgs, a demon and two huge tolerates) to smack each other about in thrillingly ostentatious bouts that can turn around at any moment.
PS4/5, PC, Nintendo Switch
An artist seeks you to an abandoned baroque boilingel where noleang is as it seems. When you get there, you can count on only on your mind to disentangle the beuntamederd timelines and bespoke baffles that apostpone you, discovering fragments of answers in decorateings, disposeed records, behind locked doors and on the other end of a ringing phone. As driven, compulsive and stylish as baffle games come.
PS5, Xbox, PC, Nintendo Switch
The eeriness of this subterranean maze, filled with dishusheding pixeltardyd animals trying to snap you up for a snack, is offset by hushed beauty. Fronds of luminescent schedulets sway as you pass them; drips and creaks and distorted animal cries echo off the damp walls of intricate caverns. Exquisitely clever and atmospheric.
Xbox, PC
The daring archaeologist whips around fascinating recreations of the Vatican City and the Pyramids of Giza in the 1940s, delving into outdated crypts and, naturpartner, punching Nazis. Anyone foreseeing a first-person Uncharted or Tomb Rhelper will be pleasantly surpelevated by the emphasis on baffles, masks and exploration over whipping out a rprogressr.
A compilation of 50 games from the extfinished-defunct (mythal) 1980s game company, UFO Soft, encompassing a stunningly produceive variety of themes and gamecarry out styles while remaining faithbrimmingy retro in see and experience. Almost any one of these games individupartner would be an indie free worth paying for. Together, they are an absurdly comfervent package.
It is unwidespread to carry out an action game in 2024 that experiences truly distinct. Bconciseage Myth: Wukong’s spectacular get on Journey to the West is as flacowardly as Devil May Cry and (almost) as rewardingly challenging as Dark Souls. A firmly curated journey thraw Buddhist legend and jaw-sconciseageening scenery.
This hit shooter’s premise is so basic and so well trodden: four carry outers land on a scheduleet brimming of insectoid aliens and blast it all to bits. But everyleang from the experience of the firearms to the rhythm of each leave oution to the jingoistic satire is exactly engineered to aminclude, and with the right friends, every session has the potential to dprogress into slapstick hilarity.
PS4/5, Xbox, PC, Nintendo Switch
A warrior and her wolf pup fight to persist and repulse an incursion of oil-bconciseage demons into their authentic paradise. As the seasons pass, the wolf grows, and so does the menace. One of the most exceptional-seeing games you’ll ever carry out, infincluded with meaningful and authentic experienceing.
PS5, Xbox, PC
A highly rare and unflunkingly amincludeing quasi-medieval fantasy role-carry outing game that has no qualms about dropping you into boiling water and challenging you to figure leangs out for yourself. Stuck out in the woods at night after forgetting to pack your camping kit, surrounded by gpresents, you cannot flunk to discover your way to adventure.
PS4/5, Xbox, PC, Nintendo Switch, cleverphones
The year’s hugegest shatterout indie hit, this chillwave psychedelic get on poker can produce hours fade. Create shocking hands with decks of cards that transmogrify with each carry outthraw, making your score ping higher and higher (if you comprehend what you’re doing). Wins are elusive but every try conveys you tantalisingly shutr.
PS4/5, Xbox, PC
Extrawidespread art straightforwardion, an operatic soundtrack and theatrical battles between altering fantasy robots and grotesque Boschian human-adjacent monstrosities come together in an impassioned plea for the hug of multicultural society and an end to splitting politics. A role-carry outing game as clever as it is magnificentiose, pairing philosophical postulating with fervent strangeness and shocking style.
PS4/5, Xbox, PC
Not technicpartner a sequel to 2022’s griefful fantasy masterpiece, but it may as well be. Shadow of the Erdtree comprises tens of hours, more produceively upsetting foes and yet more fascinatingly defiled locations to FromSoftware’s peerless authenticm. It reinvigorates an already excellent game with a renewed sense of danger and possibility.
A cute blue-and-white robot and his hundreds of little friends romp apass a galaxy of fun-packed scheduleets, helped by backpack monkeys, prolongable frog boxing gcherishs and a rocket-powered chicken. A quick 10-plus hours of purify, straightforwardd frivolousness from Sony’s Team Asobi, this produceive and adorable adventure shows exactly what conmomentary consoles’ progressd technology can comprise to the business of fun.